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I need to vent/ FWB sucks

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I feel like friend with benefits is bull****, all I do is play with my emotions as well as the emotions of the man I choose to be FWB. The saying Sex complicates things, is so true. I tried the FWB, it didn't work for me because my emotions got in the way. When I have sex my emotions come with it. Which I try to prevent but doesn't work. I just got out of a FWB fling, and I'm pissed because I really liked the guy, just to find out he having sex with another women. I feel like if he would of told me, it would have been my decision to mess with him or not. I wouldn't have gave him my goods and my heart. Just to have it ripped out. I trusted in him, and what he told me. I wanted to believe him when I knew something wasn't right. I'm mad at myself because I gave my heart out on the wrong man. He just don't know what he messed up. I also feel like I messed up are friendship because I was in denial about what I wanted out of him which was a relationship. I also messed up by having sex with him.

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Don't beat yourself up over it most of have been there. Just learn from it and move on. At lest it shows you care and want commitment.

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Don't beat yourself up. You've lived and learned. Now you'll know more about yourself when you go into your next relationship. I was in a similar situation a few years ago. In hindsight I'm glad it happened, because I needed to learn more about myself, while at the same time, get the guy in question out of my system. Guy turned out to be a jerk.

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