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Feeling Lonely


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I just need to vent or perhaps get some pick me ups... I feel I've been doing very well since my LTR and first love of 6 years back in march. I graduated received my licence to practice, found a job and took the summer to find/establish myself through various new experience and activities. Its been a new and exciting journey but, it weighs on my mind that i wanted to go through this transition from college to growing up with someone and to have someone to share this new found success with. I feel like I'm lost because i thought i had a direction and its not going in the direction i have hoped. Currently, I guess i should chalk it up to me being impatient because I'm not that old and it hasn't been a very long time since the break. This has just been the first time I've been able to actually deal with my emotions and get to understand them, plus get them under control. Im slowing trying to regain my confidence and even gain the courage to try and talk to girls again. I just thought i knew where i was going and what was going to happen and now i couldn't tell you what was going to happen tommrow. I'm just so use to the way it use to be... change is hard and its hard for me to find comfort and to get use to living without love. I know i sound soft but, sometimes i just cant help it i have to get it off my chest...

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you sounded like you grew a pair bro! congradulations! i think from the way you sound you're not lost at all, you do know were you are heading in life its just you feel like you need someone to enjoy it with. at the end of the day though you dont need a woman or anybody for that matter. all you need is yourself, wether being alone for the rest of your life is in the books for you - who knows? all you can do is do things for yourself, do things that satisfy your hunger for life and everything else will fall into place. i say this because i just went through it, fortunately for me i got my love back but not after i started not caring about anything but me.


trust me a lot of people here would want to be in the place your at right now. you're not lucky, you're blessed.

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