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I'm starting to get a little concerned about this place. Not going into naming people but I suspect that there are a few people trolling around this site not being very supportive. This place is meant to be a sanctuary for those of us going through an extremely traumatic time when we just need to escape from the real world.


I'm getting very jittery about upcoming events, and my mental health is on very shaky ground, and want to post about it but really don't want to for fear of some people who I really don't trust posting a response.

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I know it's scary to post your deepest feelings to strangers and idiots take advantage of that . But know that there are awesome people on here who will stand up for you if someone did insult you .

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If you have a feeling that certain people are trolls, well....you know who they are. There are people here that have the posters best interest at heart. SO, you take the advice that seems sound to you, you can ask questions of them and if the troll sees that he or she is being ignored, they usually bow out.


No worries dude!

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I think you should post for the sake of venting. :laugh:


There are good people on here and there are some heartless ones, just take advise with a grain of salt.

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This place is meant to be a sanctuary for those of us going through an extremely traumatic time when we just need to escape from the real world.



You seem mistaken:



The LoveShack.org Community Forums provide an on-line resource to confront personal conflicts, promote participation in self-discovery and responsibility, and encourage collaboration between community participants on romantic and platonic interpersonal relationship issues. Submissions to the forum which fall under this directive are considered "on-topic" while all others are considered "off-topic."

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I know what you mean, dicky fish. I sometimes get that feeling too, but then I think, well, everyone has the right to post their own opinions on our situations since it's a public forum. Another poster here is right about just taking the advice that helps you the most and ignore the rest that you think is useless. I always try to give advice that is direct and straightforward, but still helpful. But surely there's a difference between tough love and just being plain tough and unhelpful...


I've only been here for a little while, but isn't there a way you can "ignore" certain users? If there is, you could always use that on the people you think are trolls.

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Oh, and also, pleeease keep posting if you really feel the need to. Those of us who really do like to help will still be here. F*ck the bad apples who try to ruin it, alright? They're not worth risking your mental health over. If you need to vent, please vent. :)

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I am new to the board. And NOT a troll. And I'll do my best to resist the temptation to troll if I am trolled. And I'll try to help when I can. And I'll try to be helped.


Hope everyone is having a good night! :)



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