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big time girl trouble

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well... i had met this girl in my tuton centre 3 years back and we studied together for a year and became good friends but then we lost contact of each other for a year or so .. now we both in the same fitness centre .. we talk and hang out in the gymn but the problem is i dont know hy i cant even ask her if she has a boyfriend... ireally like her and i see her talkin to huge muscular guys in the gymn(i am not so ) ... i get really pissed or u can say jeallous ... i want to just take this friendship a little further but i really dont know how ... she is the sweetest person i know and very very hot ...i dont know if she is interested in me and afraid if i ask her out and she doesnt like even our friendship will be over ... please tell me what to do ....

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Take a little chance and ask her to go for juice, coffee, food, whatever after a workout. If she says yes, that doesn't mean she likes you as more than a friend, but it's a chance for you to see if there's a spark.


Ask her for her order, relay it at the counter, pay for the two of you, and generally do the guy thing when he's interested. Get her talking about herself. Ask her directly if she's dating someone.


If that doesn't make it clear to her that you're interested, she's dense! At that point, if she hasn't already given a back-off signal (such as not wanting to go out after the gym then or another day), then you might ask her if she's like to "go out" and specify a day. If you get to that point, don't say hang-out. Don't use the buddy vibe language at all.


If she says no, that won't feel so great. Just reassure her that's okay -- you just had to take a shot. Laugh it off (on the outside), reassure her you can be friends, and then go back to talking about non-descript stuff until you can get out of there.


No risk, no gain.


-- uriel

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