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big time girl trouble

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well... i had met this girl in my tuton centre 3 years back and we studied together for a year and became good friends but then we lost contact of each other for a year or so .. now we both in the same fitness centre .. we talk and hang out in the gymn but the problem is i dont know hy i cant even ask her if she has a boyfriend... ireally like her and i see her talkin to huge muscular guys in the gymn(i am not so ) ... i get really pissed or u can say jeallous ... i want to just take this friendship a little further but i really dont know how ... she is the sweetest person i know and very very hot ...i dont know if she is interested in me and afraid if i ask her out and she doesnt like even our friendship will be over ... please tell me what to do ....

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Red Flag Rick

well, if she is flirting with bobby bodybuilder and she has a boyfriend, i don't care if her second name is Teresa and her first name is Mother - that's a red flag for you that tells you she is trouble with a capital HO.


if she is just chatting wiith guys, then that may be ok, but i wonder why someone goes to the gym in the first place... i have always considered it a place to work on one's self, not on one's dating life.


let's say she has no motives other than to trim the tummy... and you are shy and concerned about approaching her... you already know her, so see if she wants to go grab something to eat after your workouts, or go out for coffee or whatever.... if the muscle dudes intimidate, then arrange something that gets her out of there so you can feel more comfy... if you ask her to go out for coffee, she will know what is up and if she has a beau, she will probably tell you..... if she does not tell you then, and you go out, ask her when you are more relaxed and not surrounded by muscles..... see if you can relate something to your past history together - just to get the conversation going so that you can ask her to go grab some lunch or whatever.... think about anything you have in common - music - hit the record store together, etc.... use something like that as a way to give you an opportunity to talk with her outside of the gym...


the only way you are going to conquer this dilemma is to hit it head on - every day you wait will only make it worse - search my screen name - i just responded to a guy a day or so ago who has the same problem approaching a girl. read that post and maybe something there will help... basically, you have made a mountain out of a mole hill, and every day you postpone this, you add to the mountain. and if she ends the friendship because you show interest in her, then that is one shallow babe that you need to pass over anyway.

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