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I want to stop dreaming


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I have been having dreams about him every night for the past week! It's driving me crazy! Today will be 2 weeks NC and I thought it would get easier but it seems like every day is getting harder and I miss him more and more. I wish that he would contact me in some way, but I told him not to and that I would contact him when I'm ready. I know he is respecting what I told him, but I don't understand how he could just not even reach out to me in anyway. The last time we spoke he said he misses me and wants to call and text me but that he knows that in the long run for me and the kids he's doing the right decision by not coming back. I hate this so much! I've never loved anyone as much as him and I've always been able to let go and move on so easily in the past. I just want him back :(

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I have been having dreams about him every night for the past week!


It will stop. It will go away. And you will get better.


Believe in that :)

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