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Complicated relationship with friend... tease?

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Hey, thanks for reading.


So I've recently become close with a girl; I was fairly strait forward, I think. I asked her out to dinner a couple of times (involving kissing...), we would hang out by ourselves a lot doing other stuff. And she was always really eager to hang out with me, go get food, go on a walk, etc.


So naturally it progressed (well... so I thought) and we hooked up the other night. I thought everything was fine, but then the next day she said that she was sorry that she did that and that she only wanted to be friends. Which kinda took me by surprise-- but she made it seem like it wasn't like a final thing; she said it didn't seem like a good idea at this time because we have the same friends and it'd be awkward...


Anyway, I guess I was just wondering if I should hold out any hope? My first reaction was that she was just letting me down easy, but then I didn't know why she would hook up with me if she didn't even like me... And then she made it seem like a relationship isn't completely out of the question, but this could also be her letting me down easy.


I would just like to hear thoughts on this... thanks!

Edited by icedude
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