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A friend and I are closer due to our past relationship conflicts..

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alright i will give a brief background. while i was dating a girl i was introduced to her cute friend, and that was about it, would say hi in the halls of our higschool and what not, i didnt know her well at all.


fast forward 4 months, my girlfriend had cheated on me and it eventually ended in my dumping her, a couple months later, angered by her recent actions (not important) I decided, somewhat drunkenly ill admit, i started talking to her friend. this was over facebook so she didnt know i was drinking, i can hold conversations very well, and I did not say anything guy like or stupid. we just talked about relationships for almost 2 hours. she had only got out of (a month earlier) her first relationship lasting almost a year. we were basically in the same position and just hit it off. she asked for my number and texted me the next day.


we would end up hanging out and becoming friends over the next couple of months. we just did friend stuff and quickly got over that initial awkwardness between opposite sexes that dont know eachother too well.


this is surprising for me as im a quiet and sometimes awkward guy, it is usually impossible for me to look someone in the eye during a conversation but have learned to force myself to do it moderately when interacting with women. apparently it could be caused by a social disorder but ive never bothered to look up on it or see a doctor, but it would explain a lot as i may also have OCD among other things which i acquired after a severe anxiety attack at age 12.


anyways, i knew that a relationship wouldnt work with this girl as i knew she would not date an ex's friend, shes a sweetheart and was still heartbroken from her last bf (who has strung her along until tonight, which is actually prompting this message) i on the other hand was leaving for college in a month or two. so the friend thing worked just perfectly between us.


We would talk on and off for a couple month, but just started connecting again the last two weeks (ive been in college for a month now, an hour and a half or so away from our hometown, she is finishing grade 12) we had always been good at helping eachother with relationship feelings etc and when my ex got a new boyfriend last week, literally a few days after i completely destroyed a possible relationship with an amazing girl who was really interested in me, and for the first time in awhile i felt hurt by my ex, although i thought i had gotten over her. upon telling this to my friend, she told me about her old ex asking for her back, then changing his mind.


his decision to finally end her hopes came tonight, which she called me in tears about and we talked through it till she was tired enough to fall asleep.


so to sum it up. I like this girl. she is amazing, we found so much in common, and have both realized that the other has exactly what we both are looking for in a relationship, but didnt get from our past relationships. she has grown apart from my ex as friends and weve continued to connect as of late. she even told me how she was considering my college (one of the best in my province) as one of her two main choices for next year.


my ex said a long time ago when i first met this girl that she wouldnt go for me as they were friends, and that was confirmed by my friend, although we both knew that was never my intention (my ex thought otherwise of course) but could there be a possible change to this kind of thing? does time change peoples reasoning? if such a possibly great relationship could come out of this mess of our past ones, would she take that chance with me?


side note:


im known as a joker, i can make women laugh, and im known for having a great sense of humor, im usually not taken seriously unless im being serious (except for when people dont understand the depth of my jokes)


that being said, after all the commotion tonight about our exes, i said this:


how about you pack up and go to my college next year, get away from it all back home and ill take you on a date when you get here. and we can leave our past problems behind us.


now obviously, given how im known, this would come off as joking but sincere if that makes any sense. she knows i wasnt seriously telling her to do that, but that idea is there and i just want to know what you think her reaction means, she said this:


hahaha yay! :D



then that let to her telling me how she was considering my college.


now deep down id love that idea i said to happen, but i also expected a laugh as i normally do get when i come up with crazy theories or ideas as jokes, yet it still almost bothered me the way she replied. is that me just being an overthinking hopeless romantic? or would she find that awkward? or just a normal reaction to someone with a well known sense of humor?


and to finish it off, is there any way this could work with her? shes very pretty but doesnt believe it, and my looks are nothing she would just shun away. this isnt about standards or anything like that, and as far as personality and chemistry, we seem to fit just right. so how do i go about making this happen? im going to be seeing her friday when im home for thanksgiving and taking her out to do something fun like we usually do. please give any opinions.


if youve taken the time to read this all, thank you so much, its greatly appreciated, i would love to return the favour with any questions you might have and would want an opinion on from a young (19 years old) college student with an open mind.

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