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Our Perception of Reality

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Modern science declares only 10% of human mind is actively working.

The rest of incoming information is stocked at subconscious "storage" and "takes dust". We never know if something from this "dark corner" of our mind will be ever retrieved. Sometimes it can happen under some circumstances and very often no.

I was studying chemistry in the University for almost 1.5 years and always considered it as a waste of time.

Suddenly, my life turned out in absolutely different direction and I started my over 12 years career in Chemical Industry. Needless to say, the knowledge I received during these 18 months did not became useless.

So, you never know when and how soon our situation will require from you going to the "far corner" and make "inventory" on the shelves.

Life likes to bring us surprises!

Do they happen by themselves?...

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