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Why are all the good, decent women unattractive?


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I'm serious about this too. Maybe it's just a NY thing or whatever, but I'm noticing that all the women with great personalities are either over the hill or physically undesirable. This is about 8 out of every 10. And the other 2 are average at best.


Not since my ex-girlfriend from Target who was fine as linen sheets since I have run into an attractive girl with something going for herself and wants the same in her mate, although her character had various flaws, but still in the upper region of a beautiful, nice girl: no drinking/no drugs, etc.


And I can't even get her back because some other dude snatched her up just two weeks ago! Now I'm stuck with having to look at young and sexy drunks on Friday nights staggering out of bars/clubs or the nice homebody type that can't even reach a 6 on the tipping scale. :mad:

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Besides life spilling over in ironies...


Primarily because less physically attractive people learn to compensate --- they are not simply "handed" as much... the have to develop other parts of themselves. In my experience, the most physically attractive people have the most underdeveloped personalities and minds (there are always exceptions --- ugly duckling tend to comprise most of them).


Or as one ages... they simply hone themselves... their experiences can teach them an array of things that can add to their depth and internal beauty.


Someone that "has it all" is likely already swallowed up and has others in line waiting, should they be spit back out lol.

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That has not been my experience. Usually the hot and good and decent women have no clue how attractive they are though.

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fmy ex-girlfriend from Target who was fine as linen sheets


What an interesting turn of phrase!


If you are looking for a rare combination, based on your standards/social circle/geographical region/etc., then you're going to have to wait or find out where your 'target' hangs out and frequent those places in search of an opening.


Or, you compromise and pick one or the other.


Unless your intention is not to vent but to start a contentious thread about how women can't be beautiful both inside and out.

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It all comes down to age. Most people mature and become adults in their late 20's early 30's. Which, at that age, is past their physical prime.


I haven't seen an honest correlation between beauty and brains. I think it's completely random and beautiful women are stereo typed.


Mind you, I'm not talking about the "queenies" because if you can't spot them a mile away then it's your own fault. You shouldn't be dating those kind of women if you're not interested in their type of character.


Quite possibly, you may need to have an honest look at your taste in women. I used to chase the queenies and got hurt many times. Now, I choose women more wisely. Maybe they aren't as beautiful but I'm MUCH happier with them.

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Disenchantedly Yours

This is one douchie post.


I know very attractive people that are sweathearts.


I also know douchebags that are unattractive.


Looks have nothing to do with character.

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That has not been my experience. Usually the hot and good and decent women have no clue how attractive they are though.


Define physically attractive ;)


I define it as symmetrical, fit, healthy, clothing conscious and "well groomed" ... most of which can vary with similar / unchanging external appeals.


Although "hot" to me are great qualities / traits...

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Although "hot" to me are great qualities / traits...


Actually very good point! :)


I read a great line once that 'hot is not what your body looks like, but how you inhabit it'

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Define symmetrical? you mean facial features?


Facial features as well as body proportions.


tetrapod - that's a good way to put it =d

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OMG i dont even gotta read your post to know what your talking about. I swear its always to ugly girls that make the BEST relationships. I think its cause they gotta focus whats on the "inside" because they dont have whats good on the outside. just my theory.

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I'm truly cursed.


Are you being sarcastic or?


'cause if not, I'm not following :lmao:


I personally don't care much for physique... and have found "flaws/blemishes/asymmetrical features" to be very endearing and beautiful.


I don't know about others, but I tend to associate someone's personality/behavior/traits/beliefs etc with their appearance... not the other way around. I am otherwise not sexually attracted to physical beauty (and to me it's everywhere).


"Ugly" could be a very well-toned "handsome" man that is cocky, rude, belligerent, etc.


Where as "Hot" could be a highly intelligent or creative, humorous, passionate, physically deformed man (and if our life values are harmonious, then :love:).


Just to list two generic examples...

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While I don't think that beauty and brains are mutually exclusive, I do think that those not blessed with the best looks tend to make the most of their other qualities. I also find that the most attractive among us tend to expect more and offer less than others, both within the confines of a relationship and in other life areas.


Also, the better looking have greater choice, which means they don;t need to treat as well as someone with fewer choices.

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OP, bite me.


Oh second thought, find some ugly woman to bite. I don't want douchey teeth near my butt.

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It's funny....usually people with symmetrical faces and bodies are pretty good looking and hot.


So in other words....you're into pretty damn put together men....


you seem hypocritical....


I perceive it as "good-looking" but "good-looking" does not generally stir lust within me. I have observed trends and developed certain stigmas that can in fact put me more off to it than it ever could on --- but for the most part, I'm oft indifferent to "good-looking".


The way someone behaves has a far more profound effect upon me. And in my experience, I've been most attracted to the "less physically" attractive people... because they do tend to have more going on in their minds etc.

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I also find that the most attractive among us tend to expect more and offer less than others, both within the confines of a relationship and in other life areas.


I do not find this to be true at all, I am both very attractive and give my all to my relationships , work and everything else...

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I do not find this to be true at all, I am both very attractive and give my all to my relationships , work and everything else...




OP, it seems that you need to change your attitude a bit. I don't care how good looking you are, your post is a total turn-off. Maybe the attractive women aren't attracted to you because they also wants looks AND personality. What do you offer that is so great?

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I do not find this to be true at all, I am both very attractive and give my all to my relationships , work and everything else...


No one has stated it doesn't exist...


But sorry... so because your ego is well-fed and healthy, you don't think it's true in general? (also, attractive is subjective. No one is going to be physically attractive to every single person).


It figures that a well-fed ego would believe it conquers the overall populace / relativity that others experience =x

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Good, decent women are attractive and darned hard to find in these parts. They also tend to keep to themselves which makes finding them harder. They're generally not as 'out there' sexually so don't inspire that buzz in the balls. I've had a keen eye out for them for decades. I think the internet has made finding them easier, though still it's a fail locally. Every one I encounter is married and usually a grandmother. Hope you have better luck :)

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I do not find this to be true at all, I am both very attractive and give my all to my relationships , work and everything else...



Not really sure what to say when you subjectively call yourself " very attractive" and subjectively "give" in your relationships. No one walks around thinking they are unattractive and selfish. This is what I have found from dating a broad spectrum of women. But, thanks for the info.

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Not really sure what to say when you subjectively call yourself " very attractive" and subjectively "give" in your relationships. No one walks around thinking they are unattractive and selfish. This is what I have found from dating a broad spectrum of women. But, thanks for the info.


Exactly =P



This is a typical saying I've seen a lot.



I can fly a plane, hack your FB, build a 350 Chevy, I love the outdoors, I took up MT biking, Write in C, play the tuba(kinda):laugh: make armpit farts, I lik eto do stupid quirky things, I can change a diaper, warm up a bottle, chop firewood and repair the kitchen stove....but....


My face looks like Martin Shorts and I have the forehead of Doogie Howzer.


Do I qualify to be in your private space?:laugh::bunny:


LoL, if I were single and you happened to be within a decent distance (I like quirky! And mountain biking :bunny:).

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The women who have both beauty and personality are in most demand by men, so they are married or in long term relationships early--and are no longer available.

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I've known some really attractive girls who are also really nice and decent.


Problem is, they choose douchebags.

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Did yo uonce have an ID called ScienceGirl? at another place?.... Courtney...is it you??:bunny::bunny:


No. Sorry, I am not Courtney. :o


Not really sure what to say when you subjectively call yourself " very attractive" and subjectively "give" in your relationships. No one walks around thinking they are unattractive and selfish. This is what I have found from dating a broad spectrum of women. But, thanks for the info.


I responded with "ditto" to this post. I am attractive. I have a pretty face and I take care of myself/am fit. And I do give my all in relationships. Meaning, I don't get into anything I am not 100% for. There is no game playing, lying, cheating, etc. I am the most straight-forward woman you'll ever meet. ;) There is a difference between knowing what you have to offer, and being consumed by ego.


And, there are some people that are aware they are unattractive and/or need to work on their approach to relationships.


At the end of the day, no matter who you are or what you look like it is about compatibility with the other person anyway.

Edited by ScienceGal
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