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Why are all the good, decent women unattractive?


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Beauty has nothing to do with personality. They are two separate things that are not tied together. There are beautiful women who are good people with good personalities, just like there are plain woman with those traits. I know women in all age ranges who are beautiful in appearance and in their personality, and you will find them in every state in the nation. The OP may not have met any in NY yet, but they are there. I've lived in several parts of the US, and traveled to many other parts of the country and parts of the world. There are all types, both good and bad, both beautiful and plain, wherever you go. Beauty and goodness are not mutually exclusive.


You're right. Beauty and a good personality are not exclusive or non-exclusive to each other. Same with intelligence.

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You're right. Beauty and a good personality are not exclusive or non-exclusive to each other. Same with intelligence.

True, I know a lot of beautiful women who are also very intelligent and are good people. It's just a stereotype that beautiful women are not intelligent or are mean or some other bad trait. A stereotype that the media seems to like to promote.

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Why are good looking women such bitches?


Because they don't need personality when they're hot.


The same applies for men. Most men are ugly, and the hot ones are too full of themselves.

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Why are good looking women such bitches?


Because they don't need personality when they're hot.


The same applies for men. Most men are ugly, and the hot ones are too full of themselves.

Those generalizations are not accurate. There are beautiful women who are bitches, and there are plain looking women who are bitches. There are also beautiful women with good personalities, just like there are plain women with good personalities. Those traits--beauty, intelligence, and good personality, are not mutually exclusive. I also know a lot of hot, attractive men who are intelligent and nice people.

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I also know a lot of hot, attractive men who are intelligent and nice people.




They exist?


Please introduce me :D

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And let me guess, you are totally ripped and 10/10?



Took the Words right out of my mouth.


Like my mom used to say ... In spanish of course " Perfecto era un cojo en cuba!"

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Why are good looking women such bitches?


Because they don't need personality when they're hot.


The same applies for men. Most men are ugly, and the hot ones are too full of themselves.



Most men are not any uglier than most women, women just think they're better, because everyone tells them they are. Being a little shorter than average, having a certain hair color or narrow shoulders makes you ugly to women, yet women can have all these traits (as well as the opposite like being tall) and still be beautiful. If you want to talk about aesthetics, then why don't you look at the female shape vs the male. The female shape is bovine like, like a cow, are cows beautiful or noble to look at? LOL.


IF anything most women are ugly. We just make exceptions because we want 15 minutes in your damp hole.

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Disenchantedly Yours
Agreed with this. I said what I did initially because your post seemed, to me at least, to hint that society has somehow 'become' like this recently due to advances in technology, etc. I simply wanted to address the fact that it is a far more deeply rooted issue than that. I feel the same way you do, but it is realistically unlikely that anything we do will change the beauty ideals of society in our lifetime. To do so would be to topple several multi-billion dollar industries such as the media, cosmetics, fashion, plastic surgery, and to challenge the very notion of what a woman's beauty means at its core. I would liken it to eradicating stupidity from society - too massive an undertaking. :laugh:


Ah okay. Yeah, I certainly don't think beauty conformity is new. I do think though that technology has changed the game for us and it has serious ramifications that back in the 1800s, just were not there. I infact think we are still seeing the evolution of those ramifications because the internet is still pretty new. We've only had it for the past 25 years more or less, and it really only took off in the last 10.


Perhaps I am a bit more hopeful but I do think we can change. :)

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Are you a troll? If you're not, I'm laughing because your views on women and specifically women in NYC are so cliche it's ridiculous.


I live in NYC and my girlfriends and I always laugh about how all the men in the city think they're the bees knees and deserve some rocket scientist/super model girlfriend. You are WAY too caught up on looks. And also: there are so many good looking successful women in this city! You must be looking in the wrong places.


Okay, that could be a possibility, so point me in the right direction. I never believed in deserving a woman that's a 10 in the looks department. I'd be quite contented with a 7 and a 8-9 in personality. I'm not into 5s and less with a good personality. These types go straight into the friend zone.


And it's interesting that you find my subject matter cliched. It is true to those who admit this to themselves and refuse to live inside of a bubble.


I do firmly believe that women from other parts of the world, like Brazil and various South American regions are definitely seeking North American men who will treat them well. American women, particularly New York women, are too used to us American men that it's harder for us to impress her.


She already has this built-around wall that she's seen it all, although she hasn't...not by a long shot.


But do note that these same American women run to the caribbean islands and have sex with those other guys in a heartbeat. It's the exotic I think that attracts us: the disparity between culture and its breakdown.

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Okay, that could be a possibility, so point me in the right direction. I never believed in deserving a woman that's a 10 in the looks department. I'd be quite contented with a 7 and a 8-9 in personality. I'm not into 5s and less with a good personality. These types go straight into the friend zone.


And it's interesting that you find my subject matter cliched. It is true to those who admit this to themselves and refuse to live inside of a bubble.


I do firmly believe that women from other parts of the world, like Brazil and various South American regions are definitely seeking North American men who will treat them well. American women, particularly New York women, are too used to us American men that it's harder for us to impress her.


She already has this built-around wall that she's seen it all, although she hasn't...not by a long shot.


But do note that these same American women run to the caribbean islands and have sex with those other guys in a heartbeat. It's the exotic I think that attracts us: the disparity between culture and its breakdown.



Man don't listen to her. There is no place to look for them. As someone who lives in NYC I can tell you right now they are indeed cliqueish, snobby, and generally hate men. Being a man in NYC is like being a woman in Saudi Arabia in terms of how women act towards men.


They're not afraid you'll be a serial killer, they simply think you aren't worthy of their time.

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Man don't listen to her. There is no place to look for them. As someone who lives in NYC I can tell you right now they are indeed cliqueish, snobby, and generally hate men. Being a man in NYC is like being a woman in Saudi Arabia in terms of how women act towards men.


They're not afraid you'll be a serial killer, they simply think you aren't worthy of their time.


Um, I've lived here for 10 years, so I think I know the city pretty well.


I think in GENERAL NYC is just a hard place to date in for both men AND women. The very same can be said for women here looking for nice, attractive, decent men. So this whole argument is pretty moot.


Also, none of my girlfriends are snobby or hate men. Then again, I have very down-to-earth friends. We all like to hang out at dive bars and live pretty low-key lifestyles, even though our professions would be construed as "glamorous."

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Man don't listen to her. There is no place to look for them. As someone who lives in NYC I can tell you right now they are indeed cliqueish, snobby, and generally hate men. Being a man in NYC is like being a woman in Saudi Arabia in terms of how women act towards men.


They're not afraid you'll be a serial killer, they simply think you aren't worthy of their time.


I thought I was rough on women, but you, my friend, takes the cake! I'm not denying that most of your points are true, but when you say that the NY women feel they're better than us men and we're not worthy of her, I think it's time to totally tune them off, and seek out of this god-forsaken place that's becoming increasingly darker by the minute. ;)

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IF anything most women are ugly. We just make exceptions because we want 15 minutes in your damp hole.


What was your comparison again? A woman is like a cow? And you STILL make an exception?


At least women have something you are willing to compromise for. I can't think of anything in a man worth compromising on cow looks for. LOL

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Actually.... if he was super rich I think I could overlook the cowness. After all, i'm becoming known on here as the gold digging shallow b*tch. I might as well :D

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I thought I was rough on women, but you, my friend, takes the cake! I'm not denying that most of your points are true, but when you say that the NY women feel they're better than us men and we're not worthy of her, I think it's time to totally tune them off, and seek out of this god-forsaken place that's becoming increasingly darker by the minute. ;)


I agree. If all men started ignoring women it would take them down a tick, especially in NYC where even men who are good looking and have a lot to offer desperately chase after plain jane who in turn thinks she's too good. Women's attitude is a reflection of how men treat her, if you walk on all fours for a woman she's going to think it's because she's special (when in reality it's because you have a huge aching pain your balls that needs to be relieved).


If a guy is thirsty in the desert and someone is selling a bottle of water for 1,000 dollars, he will buy it. Things are only worth how much people assign value to them.


What was your comparison again? A woman is like a cow? And you STILL make an exception?


At least women have something you are willing to compromise for. I can't think of anything in a man worth compromising on cow looks for. LOL [/Quote]


I don't want to compromise for it, I'm forced at gunpoint by feminazi society to comprimise for it. In a logical world, women and sex would be guaranteed to every man.

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Disenchantedly Yours

Wolf, you're opinion of women is awful. But the fact that your opinion of men isn't much better gives some insite into your twisted little world.

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In a logical world, women and sex would be guaranteed to every man.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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Why are all the good, decent women unattractive?


Because you're attracted to the bad, slattern types.

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Ironically these women are more prevalent in wider society than any other type of woman, so you can see why some men are caught like deer in the head lights.


They're not, obviously, but your perception is that they are. The vast majority of people live in the suburbs and are, by definition, average. If an average young mother were to dress in the latest sexy clothes and she were to prance around like a prima donna, you'd fancy her. If she were to pop into Walmart with her baby and wearing her usual clothes, you wouldn't. Physically, the same person. The rest is entirely down to your perception and preferences.

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Disenchantedly Yours
Oh look attacking another man. :laugh:


What did he do to you, refuse to defend your "honour"?


Actually, what I said is that his opinion of women is terrible, but his opinion of men isn't much better to believe the kinds of things he believes. So in essence, he isn't doing men any favors because he really doesn't even have a high opinion of men. I was actually sticking up for men.

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Wolfy's just jaded.


He can't help it.


I would probably end my life if I had to live in New York LOL... his location is more insightful than anything.

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He's a weak man, he lets outside forces control him and his emotions. I live in London, therefore I have every reason to jaded and miserable, London is a horrendous place, but I don't let my environment or a few bad women upset my apple cart and neither should Wolf.


In A Rut, judging by your posts alone, you come across as very bitter too.


According to Wolfy, he is far more of a "gentleman" IRL. I could presume the same is true for you too...


It seems many people vent via internet or perhaps it's simply something unreal to them and they don't really care about what they're portraying on it.


I can't really get into myself (i.e, taking it personally), but I am aware that it can have some kind of impact nonetheless... and that some others seem to take it personally.


Also --- I think he finds it to be more than a "few" bad women... rather, it's "all" of them... Lol.

Edited by OnyxSnowfall
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I'd be interesting in knowing what I have said or done on this forum to constitute being bitter?




5. characterized by intense antagonism or hostility: bitter hatred.


a few of the following examples apply:


Kiss my stinky grits.


Why should men invest their time, effort and money on a first date? You're just a date to this man, nothing more, that's probably why men suggest this. Also you don't exactly seem like a barrel of laughs and fun yourself. In fact it seems like you can't be social without a drink, so technically you're socially retarded.


I have anger problems at times and verbal abuse usually follows and I am not afraid to rip into someone in public either.


There are plenty of other ones, I hope I don't have to list them all.




In your defense, you have claimed to be happy with yourself and other such things but... still, your over-all "internet" attitude is condescending / bitter. Shrug.

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