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What is wrong with me?

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I have been thinking about, I'm lacking a better word for ex since we never techically dated.... So a thing? met when we were 15 or 16 on an online goth site. we hit it off really well, only problem was we were in 2 different countries. But we talked for years via skype, msn and phone ( thank god for international long distance plans)so long story short I ended up going to his country when I was 16 and stayed for a week obviously we did the deed, met fam friends blah blah blah but when I came back home we continued our long distance thing until I realized I was the only one calling him so I ended it. Well in that period of time I met my husband we started dating. Thing contacted me later on that year and I thought we could be friends and he seemed fine with that. Well after my son was born was talking to him and he had gotten him self a girl friend and I couldn't have been happier for him except she questioned me If I were still dating him which after that he stopped talking to me after I told her we hadnt in 3 or 4 years and were just friends. So after that I was ok fine if you want to be that way. So last week a friend and I were having coffee and she mentioned his girlfriend is pregnant and I can't for the life of me figure out why i can't get him out of my head. I'm even remembering good time we had while I was there. Why?

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