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Ok guys, I need a honest answer here, not only for me, but for all the other FWB women on here. What is a really good clue that you are just f***ing us, sometimes you fool us by being really passionate, such as kissing us, holding us after, staying all night, etc. In short, give me one thing that distinguishes a FWB or someone who cares for you?

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I am not a FWB proponent.


But I don't understand. If you are in a FWB situation, then why does it matter if someone is just c*cking you, since that is all the relationship implies?


A lot of people (men included) like kissing, like snuggling, like sleeping together; I would think that a FWB could include that, without it being some big mind-game.

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It matters because after doing it for 2 years with the same person, feelings change and one or both may be afraid to let it be known, for fear of rejection or ruining a good thing.

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Rabid Ferret

From what I know of the average guy, FWB is just the ability to get laid without having a relationship. Any lovey dovey stuff they do is just there to keep the free ride going.


The end result is that you're going to have to nudge things a little and see what happens. If he drops you because you developed feelings then you didn't lose your chance at a relationship, because he didn't want one to begin with.


If you'd rather not risk it because you like the guilt free sex then maybe you don't feel as strongly as you think you do.


Then again I've only been offered a FWB situation once and passed on it specifically because I knew something like this would happen on my end. But I've never been in one, so don't take my point of view as anything more than a passing comment.

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