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What should i do?

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Hi all, right here goes, the girl i really liked at work left, ive now got all her contacts details, (phone e-mail Etc.), i want to let her know exactly how I feel, but am not sure what method to use, do I phone her, write to her or e-mail her?


I think she feels the same way about me because she told some things that I would not have asked about, plus the fact that she hugged me alot, and on her last shift with me she blew a kiss at me which took me by surprise, what should i do?


Plus any help on what to put in the message would be greatly helpful,


thanks in advance for any help.

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you two seem to know each other for some time now, but more as colleagues right.


meet her up for a drink, a casual one as a friend first and see how things go from there. talk, get to know her better as a person, and it also gives her a chance to know you better.


i feel that letting feelings out via 'modern technology' like texting, emails are not personal enough, but maybe that's just my point of view.


good luck bro. ;)

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Anonymous 15
Originally posted by dan_kenney2004

Hi all, right here goes, the girl i really liked at work left, ive now got all her contacts details, (phone e-mail Etc.), i want to let her know exactly how I feel, but am not sure what method to use, do I phone her, write to her or e-mail her?


I think she feels the same way about me because she told some things that I would not have asked about, plus the fact that she hugged me alot, and on her last shift with me she blew a kiss at me which took me by surprise, what should i do?


Plus any help on what to put in the message would be greatly helpful,


thanks in advance for any help.


If you call or e-mail her and "let her know exactly how you feel," there's a good chance you'll scare her off, even if she feels the same way. Sounds strange, doesn't it?


The reason for this is that in my experience, many girls like the "fun" in wondering whether a guy they like feels the same way. If you reveal all your feelings right away, you've taken away that excitement for her and there's a chance she might lose interest. I'm not suggesting that you play games and act interested one day while blowing her off the next. Just don't come on so strong in the beginning.


My suggestion would be to keep it casual in the beginning and take your time cause there's no rush. In many relationships, if this turns out to be one, the beginning is actually one of the best parts so it's senseless to rush past the beginning, as tempting as it may be to jump into a serious relationship. I'd say call her (it's more personal than e-mail) and just ask her how she's been, etc. Then just mention that you guys should hang out sometime and inquire about a specific day (like how about this Friday or Saturday.) It should be pretty obvious whether she's interested or she's giving you the brush off. Either way, you can sleep well at night knowing that you gave it a shot. Life's all about making the best of your opportunities. Good luck.

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thanks guys for your help, but i found out from someone that she may already have a b/f, this really peed me off cause she seemed to like me as well, im going to see her on friday and try to sort this all out, if she has got a b/f, im gonna ask why she was stringing me along. but if all goes well then the girl who told me is lying.


thanks for your help, ill kep u posted!!

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Anonymous 15
Originally posted by dan_kenney2004

thanks guys for your help, but i found out from someone that she may already have a b/f, this really peed me off cause she seemed to like me as well, im going to see her on friday and try to sort this all out, if she has got a b/f, im gonna ask why she was stringing me along. but if all goes well then the girl who told me is lying.


thanks for your help, ill kep u posted!!


I hope you read this before Friday. If you find out she has a boyfriend, whatever you do, don't attack her by saying, "Why were you stringing me along?" You'll just come off as bitter and it'll ruin any chances you might have had with her in the future. The fact is, you may have felt she was stringing you along but she may feel like she was just being friendly/nice. It's not as if any girl is going to admit stringing you along even if that was their intention--they'll just say it was a misunderstanding.


If it turns out she has a BF, just play it cool. Most relationships don't work out in the end so you can always pursue her later if they happen to break up.

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