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how do i tel my friend i love her?

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hey hope you guys can help me out.its a very complex situation.


ive known my friend Juila since Xmas 2002 and we have been good friends.one of the difficulties is that im also friends with her former best friend called Becca.they had a massive arguement in summer last yr and now dont talk or have any contact.the worst thing is Juila moved school and now doesnt hang out with my friendship group.


so basically,my friends are separate from Juila.if i were to persue a relationship wit Juila,i mite get stick from Becca,though i think shes a decent enough person to give me some respect.


anyway,as i said,id like to persue a relationship with Juila.she helped me though many difficult times in my life in the past year,and shes always there for me.shes the sweetest nicest person ive ever met.i think that me and her would be great together.and my feelings have been stronger over time.


im falling for big time,and i keep thinking about her in my dreams and in my daydreams lol.i cant stop thinking about her.


another problem is my best mate.he used to fancy her and although he has a girlfriend now whom he is serious with,may not like it.i think if i talk to him,i probably make him see sense.


the main thing i want to ask,how do i go about talking to her and teelling her my feelings?im not scared to show her my feelings,im scared that i will muck up and lose my chance.


any ideas?


PS any ideas about how to handle situation with my friends wouldnt go amiss.






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I feel that u should'nt worryabout what your friends may think. This is something that doesn't need to b announced to them. Friends doesn't mean that u share every life's experience with them. Just tell her slip it in at the closing of a conversation. you may suprised at what can take place from there.

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