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Abosulte Deal Breaker


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My absolute deal breakers.


Pretties than me

Big chest

small chest

average chest

dislikes monkeys


And no sense of humor


lol, thanks for the laugh.

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I have many deal-breakers in a man but to make it short... here goes


No Alphas, no misogynists, no history of violence with women and no record of being a serial cheater in the past nor one that would have sex with prostitutes.


Very interesting choice of words there..."no record of being a 'serial' cheater in the past..."


Sounds like someone may have done some cheating on a couple partners in the past ;)

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Very interesting choice of words there..."no record of being a 'serial' cheater in the past..."


Sounds like someone may have done some cheating on a couple partners in the past ;)

Well there's a major difference between a man that cheated once (and it was a long time ago) but has matured since and someone that cheated recently and will do it again if given the chance.
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- Murderers, especially those on death row

- The blind and double amputees

- Less than 5' tall

- Homeless

- Schizophrenic

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One thing that's rarely a dealbreaker for me is height, unless he's shorter than me (5'7"). All of the guys I've dated have been 5'10"+ but I"ve been attracted to guys who are shorter.

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- Man haters and Misandrists

- Substance abuse issues(don't mind a social drinker or occasional weed smoker but no addicts)

-Overly trendy

-A lack of accountability for past mistakes which everybody has

-A history of cheating

-A history of lusting after jerks and dismissing scumbags

-A violent temper

-A history of all of a sudden dumping good men out of the blue

-Not up on world events

-One physical thinking is orange spray tan and plastic surgery that makes her look like a burn victim.

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One thing that's rarely a dealbreaker for me is height, unless he's shorter than me (5'7"). All of the guys I've dated have been 5'10"+ but I"ve been attracted to guys who are shorter.

You just had tho throw that in there didn't you :rolleyes:

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Cracker Jack
If she has facial hair... @cya


I lol'd.


I remember when this woman looked so beautiful from a distance, but once I got near her, saw that stache. Damn it.


For me, I guess it'd be someone who still has a connection with their ex. I tried to get into a relationship with someone like that, hoping she would eventually forget about him. That was stressful.

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Relax buddy, who cares if some torn curtain doesn't like us Hobbits? I am 5'5 and I get women. Hell I have gotten with girls who were much taller than me. I felt like a white Gary Coleman, I felt a million dollars.

I'm 5'6 and I don't.


So forgive me if I get angry anytime I hear a woman say that short men are a turn off.

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As the title says what is the one thing that no matter who it is the relationship just will not work out? Can be ideals/morals, or down to habbits and looks.


Mine would be, actually two things, a smoker because I HATE it I really don't understand why people do it, and someone who hates animals because I am around them constantly and have my own so yeah. :)



Do you sleep with your dogs?

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Two things:

1. Smokers

2. Drug users


I've had many opportunities to date physical beauties, but because of #1, #2, or combination of both; done.

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Oh, so a person who can't come up with a better argument than "you must have a small penis" is accusing others of being dumb. How ironic.


The other arguments are too obvious for me to even want to mention. Race has nothing to do with how a person is, culture and beliefs however, are a different story. And if you don't agree with that, you are racist and I don't think racism should be tolerated by anyone in this day and age.


Me mentioning your penis size was a small insult for a guy who seems to be racist. Not to mention there are guys out there with little egos who use that as a reason not to date more experienced women. Let's assume its not you!!!


The reason I wouldn't date a woman who dated interracially is because every such woman that I've known was f*cked up in one way or another (daddy issues, abusive ex issues, drug addiction issues, psychiatric health issues, low intelligence issues, etc.) From my experience, quality women (and men) tend to prefer to date within their own race.


lol, Quite the opposite in my experience. People who are afraid of expanding their horizons are anything but "quality". I would maybe agree with you if you said quality people tend to date people with the same beliefs/morals who are also quality. But race != personality/culture.

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You sound really mad. Did I hurt your feelings or something? lol


Hurt my feelings? Not really. But racism, sexism and ignorance makes me sad/mad and I think it should have the same effect on any decent/moral human being.

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Who appointed you the judge of what's considered decent and moral? Just curious.


haha....ME? Are you serious? Most progressive countries in the world have laws against racism for a reason. You can go to jail if you actually promote such thoughts. Apparently it's not only me who think that way. And give me ONE good reason why races should be treated differently and why someone should have to stay within their own race. Even biologically, children of multiple races are more in advantage compared to children of one race.


On a side note, I can't believe I'm discussing racism in 2011. I have never ever encountered this in real life. I mean, I hear people say that they don't like a specific culture or don't find a specific race sexually attractive all the time but trying to defend racism? seems like it goes against the morals of at least every person I've talked to so far in my life.

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You're boring, me and Feelsgoodman don't date outside our race, big deal? We have a civil right not to mix if we choose not too, just like you do, if you choose too. Just because I refuse to date outside of my race, that somehow makes me racist? Yeah right.


I never said that. But saying quality people only date within their race (regardless of culture) without saying why, yes, that makes you racist.


And I guess yes, digging a little deeper and asking for reasons makes me boring, lol. I should just make empty dumb statements like the rest of you make, that's the cool thing to do around this forum.

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Progressive, huh? Do you even know what that word means? On that note, do you even know what the word 'racism' means? You sound like a 13 year old kid who just read his first sociology textbook.


You said something, I disagreed and stated my reasons. You can do the same but apparently there is no rational reason behind what you think or you would have said it by now and proved me wrong.

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I don't even associate with other cultures and pretty much all of my friends are of my own race. I reject multiculturalism and mass immigration, not interested in embracing all that nonsense - that's my right, that's my prerogative, if that makes me racist, then I couldn't care less. I am sick to death of namby, pamby white folk who run around acting culturally enriched because their husband comes from Nigeria and they like eating Chicken, rice and peas on a daily basis.


Again, you are confusing race with culture...Could you have a friend of a different race who happens to have the same culture and beliefs as you have?

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So you are saying it's okay to dislike other cultures, but not other races? Really? Is that how far your "progressiveness" goes?


And by the way, your attempts to separate culture from race are laughable. The two usually go hand in had. African Americans have their own culture shaped by their shared history, as do hispanic americans, native americans, chinese americans, etc. With every post, you keep proving that you are just a clueless 13 year old boy (girl?) who likes to use big words like progressive and racism.


Of course, because skin color doesn't make someone a bad person, their cultural/personal beliefs/acts might. Isn't it really obvious or should I explain more?!


Not really. It looks like you haven't talked to enough people in your life because in my experience, someone's race does NOT necessarily define their culture and beliefs although in a lot of cases, that might be true. I live in a very multicultural/multiracial part of the world so I have been exposed to it enough to know what I'm talking about. Heck, I myself am pretty much different from what is considered "the norm" for my culture or even my gender.


I'm outta here. This image describes me well right now. Nothing will come out of talking to close-minded people anyway.


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I have no issue whatsoever with dating our of your race but I have noticed that women who hate their own race 9 times out of 10 have major daddy issues. I would never date a black woman who hated black men either. Look at the person and not the race.

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I'm 5'6 and I don't.


So forgive me if I get angry anytime I hear a woman say that short men are a turn off.


That's my dad now lol! He has shrunk a little! Honestly I actually like guys who don't tower over me, it's a little awkward when someone is almost half a foot taller than me.

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Do you sleep with your dogs?

No my dog has only ever slept in my bed when he was a pup and when I am sick. Other than that he likes his own space, he will go into his kennel and just sleep or on the couch. Plus when he did sleep in my bed he would sleep on my pillow, NOT OK! I love him but I don't want my pillow smelling like grass and wet dog!

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