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Never say Never


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Does anyone have any insight into why when we say "never," that the very thing we say we'll never do, or never say, is exactly what happens? Just last week, I made the comment about a male friend of mine never telling me to stay out of his life. Guess what? This weekend, he told me to stay out of his life!!! Anyone out there care to share similar happenings about using the dreaded "N" word? And, why it seems to work just the opposite of what we say? Just curious.

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A man I was once in love with told me we could NEVER have a serious relationship, that he didn't love me, and that I should forget about him.


A year later after much torture, he was declared his love for me, became my boyfriend and became even more in love with me than I had originally been with him!


This happens alot with me.

Does anyone have any insight into why when we say "never," that the very thing we say we'll never do, or never say, is exactly what happens? Just last week, I made the comment about a male friend of mine never telling me to stay out of his life. Guess what? This weekend, he told me to stay out of his life!!! Anyone out there care to share similar happenings about using the dreaded "N" word? And, why it seems to work just the opposite of what we say? Just curious.
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Never is a pretty radical word with some harsh implications and connotations. However, it is counter to the nature of the universe. In the universe, anything, I mean absolutely anything is possible. Certain things may never happen in our lifetime but they can happen.


Fifty years ago, I could have said a man could never become a woman, people could never have computers in their homes, or man would never travel to the moon. All those nevers are null and voice now because those things we thought could never happen actually did.


When people say never, they usually mean it for that moment and that moment only. They soften up later and never becomes possibly never. The mind, the brain and human behavior are set up to open up to all possibilities so not only is never counter to nature and to the universe but it is also not appropriate to describe human behavioral possibilities, which are infinite.


And my name will NEVER be Bond, James Bond!!!

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