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My Fantasy

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Honestly my fantasy is to have two gorgeous women dressed in business suits to allow me to pamper their hosed feet.


I would then love for them to engage in a little footsie around my penis.



That is my fantasy what is yours?

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Originally posted by Kat


I get to live out my fantasy a lot ;)



me too :D


i would like to have two guys at the same time. i haven't done that one yet.

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I already lived out my fantasy with a very special redhead. She has my ideal body type, and my ideal personality. She keeps me intellectually stimulated and I have never grown bored of her in nearly five years. I hope to live out the fantasy again sometime soon :)

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My fantasy is, as always, to go the the girl I'm in love with, every night, to scrub her back, wash her hair, rub her feet with aromatic oils, give her a full body massage, tuck her in, bring her hot cocoa, read to her while stroking her hair, kiss her eyes, and say goodbye. Every night.


That's all I want to do. :love::love:


She's engaged to someone else, so my fantasy will remain just that :(

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