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Is she sending me a signal?

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I have always been terrible at reading "obvious" signals.

I have a friend who I email. Any time I have problem she is the one who helps me sort things out in my head. I never showed interest in her (I am married/separated) beyond friends.

I had been busy for the last few weeks and hadn't emailed her. I would say I normally email her once a week.

I apologized to her and she told me this and I was surprised:

"The only reason I turn on the computer is to check for an email from you!"

Should I take that as a signal that she is interested in me? I don't want to lead her on by continuing what I thought was just a friendship. I don't want to sound like a dope either if it's nothing.

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What's her relationship status? If you think back, has she given you any other signals that you might have initially missed?


It could just be that she values your friendship, which led to that comment. I have a platonic male friend who I have absolutely no romantic feelings towards, but I really do look forward to receiving texts from him.


Hard to say what she's thinking/feeling. I'd just let her commnet go if I were you. Wait and see what else she says in the coming months.

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