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hurt :(


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Hello I live in CA but have a huge problem.The boy that I am madly in love with is in the hospital.we've been seeing eachother since june of last year and have been in love going places and everything since. One day he ends up in the hospital from a terrible car crash and lands himself in coma . While I'm at the hospital I'm sick to my stomach I can't eat or think straight I'm really broken up. That was the first day the second day at the hospital the mother of his son was there and she starts telling his family how I was nothing to him and he was using me. His family were very nice to me the first day and prior to when I've met them now it seems like their looking at me a whole new way. To make matters worse another girl comes claiming she is his gf since last november and tells him family the same thing. Well his family wasn't surprised they knew the whole time and kind of don't want me up there .his so called gf and the mother of his child fb is all bout him now. I haven't been able to come to the hospital evryday because of work but when I do I feel the tension in the air and nobody speaks to me its like I'm an outsider. They snicker and talk indirectly loudly about me but the whole time I'm just thinking I'm here for him he and I know where we stand. The next couple days I'm so confused I had a migraine for 3 days straight couldn't eat or sleep at all. Soo much drama has been going on since he's been "sleep" and I just feel like a fool. Here I am sad and angry at the same time. Well when he does wake up he wasn't in coma for long. He talked to everyone but me and when I called him cause he can talk on the phone and still has good memory. He just blew me off and said hello I'm doing alright ill call you back and I haven't heard from him since. I'm soo confused on how to feel right now I feel broken. What should I do everyone is telling me to leave him alone because he's obviously playing the pimp role but its hard because I love him to death. I've been praying and having everyone pray for him and he treats me like this I don't know what to do

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Hey, beauty.


Read your post. Ouch! I am so sorry about this. It's a heart breaker, I can read that.


How you doing now?

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Thanks for replying and it hurts like hell. I'm still.waiting for his phone call. The only reason I called was because I've been told he's been asking about me and he wants to see me . But if he really wanted to see me he wouldn't treat me like this. I've listened to music and cried all day now I'm pretty much done being sad I'm mad as ever now. I think if he calls me I will vent on him .. I'm still upset alittle. I just want answers and I know he knows that and that's why he avoiding me.

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its horrible to care so much for someone and support them and be by their side and they dont appreciate u or ignore you. there seems to be something wrong with him that he can detach himself like this, even from the company of your friendship, as you stood by him in his darkest hour.


this is a HIM problem, not a you problem. keep praying for him. and keep being the good person you are and keep your distance . let him man up and call you, instead of ppl telling you to call him. but he really might be asking about you ....but you need it verified he wants u to call. but i think he should make the move if he wants to.


hang in there. do other things to make you happy. i know youre hurt. but keep going. draw from your strength and faith. God bless

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Thank you , I've been trying to surround myself with positive people. I've gave him my all he's done worse things to me but I would have to say this is the icing on the cake! I'm trying to not make my way up to the hospital to punch him right in his mouth its officially been three days since he's been talking and still no call. I give up. I just want someone to provide the same love that I've bbeen given to them and give love to me and only me I'm sure that's not hard to ask.

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what you want is normal and NOT alot to ask. find someone who will respect you. take care of yourself for now and give yourself love and kindness and compassion. this is his loss.


ps. i giggled when you said "punch him in the face"...


of course dont...but that was so funny and understandable. :p

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Queen of Hearts 10

Thank you for writing this story !


What an eye opener for everyone to learn from ! I so live in the present and

never really thought about the hell a hospital stay could cause because of the

way a person has their personal life all mixed up.


He has caused you such pain, and I'm sorry for what you have had to go through.

Now as he recovers and gets out of the hospital he can show


he really wants in his life, and as he values his life maybe he will set it straight.

If he doesn't then punch him in the mouth !! Ha ha ! Lol ! :eek:

That's why I much rather be a wife than a girlfriend. A wife can own the show.

But guys don't want to marry much any more, and now see the drama !

Best wishes to you ! Queen of Hearts 10

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