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This sounds like a crazy idea, but...

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With the success my home business website has raked in, I'm thinking of applying the same philosophy to a personal"mate-search" site... something like an online dating profile, but done MY WAY. No winks, no flakes, no guys pretending to be women.


Interested women could read the whole thing and then e-mail me to make an appointment to drop in for an interview... of course I'd also get a sh**storm of insults, taunts, trolling, death threats, etc etc etc in my inbox... but I'd make sure to post those on a Wall of Shame (with offenders' photos and e-mail addresses) so other netizens could see what happens to trolls who piss off El Brujo. :laugh:


I mean, what the heck... I don't see anyone else out there doing it. I'm already selling my products, now it's time to sell myself.

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