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How to strike up conversation without it sounding forced?

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I am curious as to how to keep an ongoing, intellectual conversation with someone. I'd consider myself and the woman in question to be fairly intelligent so I am sure we are quite capable of having good conversations but I often have a difficult time figuring out what to say. For example, when we are driving together in the car, often things will fall into a silent state because we can't really think of what to say... it's always the occasional "Hello, how are you doing, what did you do today?" sort of thing.


Sure, people say you can start conversations by bringing up various topics that seem to come to mind but I feel like the nature of "making conversation" sounds a bit too contrived and obvious, as if you are purposely searching your mind to find something to say because you don't quite know what to do. I want to figure out how to do this without making the process so blunt and obvious... more flow would be nice :p


If it helps any, I am going to one of her relatives' wedding reception today with her. I don't know what to do...

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During a moment of awkward silence:


"Stemcell research. What's THAT all about?"

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Simply bring up for discussion whatever comes into your mind. This is what I do, and people seem to find me quite the conversationalist. I have never had much of a problem with conversation, so I cannot really place myself in your predicament.


I find that the best conversations I have are never very well thought out; they just happen because I simply begin to speak about whatever enters into my mind. Talking about interesting experiences from your past might be fun, perhaps embarrassing moments or other such humorous events. I find that humor tends to provide a great way to ease into more serious discussions.

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Your going to a wedding reception, ask about her relatives and tell her about yours. Compare funny stories, swap gossip and mostly just have a laugh. The best conversations generally aren't intellectual at all but rather spontaneous.

If it is an intellectual conversation you want, try edge the topic at hand (wedding) round to topics that might intrest you.

Hope that helps. Have fun.

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