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In need of friends

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I don't really have anyone I'm close to anymore. I've been into my schoolwork lately, and my day is just basically going to school, coming home & doing homework, then sleeping! I feel so lonely, and this feeling is slowly consuming me :( I don't really "click" with any of my friends either. We don't really have similar interests. :/

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Hi! Seems like a girl from the username. :laugh:


I have felt this way too. In high school I only had two close-ish friends, and even then, they were mostly friends because of proximity and for the sake of just having someone to hang out with, not because of shared interests and genuine liking.


Now in college, I spent my first year drifting through several organizations. I made friends, but again, not close friends. Yes, I was extremely lonely. But I kept searching. This year, I joined another organization, and immediately found connections. I think it is all about getting out there and meeting lots of people. Lots and lots and lots.


I also had a small support group of people I met through an online game :o they helped a lot in building my confidence and finding my voice.

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