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epic fail hookup


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I've spent the last two months with an enormous crush on a coworker but because I'm not an idiot I didn't expect anything from him but workplace flirtation because he just split with his girl.


We and a couple other people hung out a couple nights ago and we both spent the whole night essentially attached by the hip. Long story short, we hooked up after drinking for a few hours. He disappears to the bathroom, my friend checks up on him and this guy bounces so fast it makes my head spin. My friend tells me he said he had to split because he was WASTED and had to work in a few hours but I was totally offended. I'm not an idiot, I can take a hint but it hurt my feelings for sure that he couldn't even say goodbye. I shoot him a text to let me know he's alright when he can, he answers about 12 hours later. Whatever dude.


So fast forward to today, I worked with him briefly and even though I had no intention of being weird with him it just sort of happened but he made no effort to be friendly except smiling at me when he made some stupid comment.


Needless to say, the stupid crush is over and I only have myself to blame that we probably can't even be friends because it's just too awkward for me and my feelings got hurt but how can I bring myself to just be nice. I honestly want to just curse him out but also, would like to maintain some sense of dignity. I work with him ALOT this week so some advice as to how to keep the piece would be greatly appreciated because I'm a lost puppy right now

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Just something to think about in regards to your story. It is very likely if you all were drinking that much when he went to the bathroom he realized he was afflicted with the " whiskey dick" and didnt know what to do. I have had it happen and immediatley made an excuse and left too. Its seems like a likely scenario and he is most likely MORE embarressed than you are :rolleyes:


Or he could have also realized that You were too drunk for his comfort level and ducked out.



Think about these two options before getting insecure and mad at him

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