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I ignored her and now shes mad at me???

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My ex gf and i broke up 4 months ago after 5 years.. I dont think I want her back anymore but we have been in contact a little and hung a few time... anyway she wants to be friends and i dont. so Sat. night i'm hanging out with some friends and she calls me 26 times in 90 minutes and calls my buddy 4.. Nobody answered. also got 4 text messages 1. Why wont you talk to me? 2. You know ive never bothered you. I need my best friend. Why wont you answer your phone. 3. I think Ive earned at least a response. 4. You'll never hear from me again. Then today she defriends me on facebook. My question is that I have been ignored by her countless times and the first time i do it she freaks out. Is it because she thinks im unavailable. Her best friend told me she was really bothered when i didnt answer. just wanting some advice on what she is thinking. and after we broke up she was already seeing and sleeping with someone else. I guess the main reason for me not answering is because i feel like everytime i get close to moving on and getting over her she calls and drags me back in with manipulation. any input is greatly appreciated

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I agree with Carhill this isn't healthy escalation. She truly expects you there at her beck and call. You deserve better.


Perhaps one text. "I'm not your friend nor will I ever be again. Stop calling and texting or I'll forward the log to the police and change my number."

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Will you give me an honest answer? Why do you care if you don't want her back???


Also, why don't you want to be her friend?

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i wish i could but i am sales and that is not an option

Most phone companies have a free limited option to block phone numbers. Apply such to known numbers of hers. Alternatively, change the name on her numbers to 'Do Not - Answer' and actively promote NC.


You can do anything you choose to do. It's up to you. If you want to stay in this, you will. I guarantee it. Hope it works out.

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