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trying to interpret this guy


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Hey everyone,

So I really need some advice on how to get this guy that I am extremely attracted to. My bf of 7 months broke up with me in September, and I literally just got over him and have decided to try to get back into the world of searching for a guy. I have had my eye on this really sexy guy in one of my classes. I always see him around campus and he gives me "the look" and we usually smile at each other when we see one another, but I don't know how to know if he's actually interested in me or if im crazy.


He initiated conversation with me one day before an exam, but it was just about exam material and wasn't really anything interesting. And then today we did a lot of interactive stuff in class and we were together a lot, but he was also with his friends so he didn't say much to me besides class stuff. But he seriously always gives me this seductive look and I don't know how to interpret it since he hasn't made a move or anything.


Basically, I just want some advice on if I should go talk to him or if I am likely to get shut down. Is this a sign that he is attracted to me or am I crazy? Also, I have never initiated a "first move" with a guy, so im not sure if this is a good idea or not.


Any help in this situation would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

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