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Is it love or friendship

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My boyfriend is working as a manager of a leading bank. .. And he has been there for quite sometime .. . He associates many ladies in the office but he do maintain his distance and the status he has ,,,,and also the respect of our love. . He's very much honest to me . .Therefore Love and trust is at the highest points of our relationship.. . . . He usually miss me very much and so do i miss him alot. . .

But. . Recently. . A lady who was on leave for sometime from the office recently re-joined her work . . . . and she's about 2 years elder to my boyfriend . .. She's very much associative with my boyfriend and very much cooperative on many things that he goes through in the office. . . There're instances that they've calls for hours, and I very well know that they're official . . She's very well aware of our Relationship. . And .. the worst case scenario is that I feel that there're things that's going on with HER . . As , , she sends texts late night saying MISS YOU .. and HUGS to my baby boy. . . The thing is . .. he's very much open to me and I usually see his texts and calls . .. And.. . he's also confused of this .. as . . he says that she treats him as a BROTHER . . which he treats her as a sister. . But . . MISSING my boy friend late night , , and HUGGING him. . Leaves me with enough of curiosity to know what this lady is upto..... Is it that she's in love with my boyfriend or .. is she treating him like a brother .. .



Please thank you for the time you spared on helping me and my boy friend. . .

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I think texting hugs and "miss you" late at night is more than friendship, especially if she hasn't known him for very long. Sounds like your boyfriend is honest but I wouldn't trust her.

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