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Did something really stupid.


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In light of my most recent FWB gone wrong, I was feeling a little vulnerable today and decided to send an email to my previous emotionally unstable ex. I told him that I missed the person I thought he was, and that even though I ended it, I still went through hell. GOD what is wrong with me?????????????


It's been 6 months of no contact, and I just had to crack. He must think I'm such an ass. But I did tell him I didn't wish to be contacted back, I hope he doesn't. He probably won't and then I'll feel WORSE.


I know.....that was stupid. I thought I was over this...and now back to square one.

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You made one slip. As you said, you were feeling a little vulnerable and you reached out. It happens. You're human. You can't undo it.


However, if there is a way to block any reply he might send, that would be useful in taking back the control rather than have to go through the agony of passively waiting for a potential reply to arrive in your inbox. Then having to deal with that reply.


And you're not back at square one. It's been a year. You might not be completely over your ex but, as you know, things will get better with time. You'll regain your confidence. The emotional bonds will weaken and the ex will be nothing but a memory.

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it was a slip up, a one time mistake!


dont make it into something it isnt. you have been so strong, dont let go of that strength.


i wish i had it at this point. =)

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