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Its been more than one month of NC

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Wow, its been more than 1 month of break up & my NC. Still not a single word exchange between us. I don't blame anyone for what happened. I dont even know whether she remembers me after 4 & 1/2 years of being together. I just know she going through honeymoon phase with her new guy. I am not trying to get her back but just the part of becoming a dumpee is taking the troll. Just thought of my day......

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Wow, well done on NC for a full month! You should feel proud of yourself, I envy at how far you've came as I'm only on day 8 and almost gave in today!

Do you feel slightly better now? Your outlook seems somewhat more positive! I guarantee it is just a rebound and the feelings will fade FAST.

My theory is, by the time you're over her, she'll just start grieving because she will be grieving the end of her rebound and the end to the more significant relationship (YOU) It takes more than a month for them to get their head screwed on properly, I'd say from reading these posts, the 3 month part is where they start thinking and absorbing it all. For now it's her time to feel empowerment, she won't know what is happening right now, it will all be happening so fast!

Best wishes xo

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Count your lucky blessings that not a single word has been exchanged. I thought I was good until that 4 month mark hit. I got a wrench thrown in mine with my ex stalking me and sending me fake pictures of another girl through an online dating site.


Every ****ing day I want to respond and be like you are a crazy bitch. The draw gets worse and worse everyday to do it too even keeping myself busy


Just keep it up and pray you dont get a wrench thrown into it.

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haha wilson, yea stalkers suck!


congratz on 30 days NC- it is a great accomplishment.


i fell off- sigh - but i am starting over again. NC day 3!

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Great job! I am currently at about 20 days. It does feel suffocating at times because of how easy it really is to communicate these days and the fact that she lives less than a mile away from me. She's with a rebound too which, obviously, adds to the anger and pain. I'm trying very hard to let go of the anger I have though. lovesickpuppy, I surely hope your theory is correct. Rebounds make it seem like the relationship you had with an ex meant nothing to them!

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Lovesickpuppy: Thanks for the positive comments. I am feeling much better now. With time I am forgetting about her. Eventhough, she was my 1st gf I think I am coping pretty well.


Wilson: Its always nice to hear from you. I know my ex very well. She's not going to throw wrench at me. If she ever contacts me, it will be to see if we still have a second chance.


PositiveNegative: I am trying not to see her relationship as rebound. I hope you are doing the same. Because rebound will us hope, which in turn will make us to move on.


I really hope things will work out for us in the end :).

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