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approaching 7 Months NC (My Journal) Thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?


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I thought I would chime in and let everyone know how I am doing.


Background: Dated for 2 and half years, I wasn't happy at the end but I wanted to save it, she didn't, we both agreed that we were unhappy for a month, it was more like three months for myself. I was shocked that she wanted to give up so easy. I honestly don't feel she fell out of love, I believe she was angry that our future wasn't planned.


For the most part, I am doing well, as long as I stay busy, I haven't found anyone that I want to spend all my time with. I have been on dates but nothing of substance. I do wish I had another shot at this past relationship but I also understand this one is out of my hands at this point. I did try the begging and pleading towards the end, I think most "Dumpees" have been there.


As the holidays approach, I find myself getting a little down. I have to be honest, I have not had any set backs but I found today to be tough. I caught myself thinking about my ex and how well we got along. I know she feared I wasn't in love with her so she ran for the hills (Stress from work caused a disconnect and she ran). She claims to be single but I have heard that she has been seen around with her ex boyfriend, its unfortunate, her ex and I are polar opposites and I know that was exactly the type of person she was avoiding a future with. I would assume most would look at me as the better catch (I could be wrong), better career, better family and ultimately a better provider and not to mention physically fit. I understand none of that is important if the person doesn't feel confident about your future together.


I understand the importance of NC and healing oneself but I caught myself blaming the breakup on myself and wishing for one more shot (Second chance) lately.


I do believe she is hanging with the ex (I have no proof of this) to fill the void to not be lonely.


There is a big part of me that wants to reach out but I fear going back to square one. After all, if your ex wanted to be with you, they would reach out, correct?


The only contact we have had is each others bdays and a family sickness, we have not seen each other at all.


The plus, I am in the best shape of my life, dropped 25 pounds, work is going well, I am getting out on dates.


thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?

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sounds like you have and are doing the right things for you. only thing that i see that might be a negative is you are letting yourself wonder what she is doing and who she is doing it with. one, you don't know for sure and two, it just doesn't matter.


otherwise keep up the good work you seem to be in a very good place going forward and you will find someone that will blow you away and all your great attributes will be appreciated.

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