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He's Moved On


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So, I was in a 4 year relationship with ex before we broke up four months ago.


We weren't a perfect match and we both knew this. He falls under every category of a narcissist, but I loved him despite this because he had good moments. I had been bracing myself for a breakup before things really fell apart because I wanted to end things since we weren't working out overall. After a massive fight, I felt it was time to break things off for good since my friends had seen how upset he had made me. We had a mutual breakup, he refused to limit his alcohol consumption in order to make our relationship work and I was done making excuses for him, as well as being done changing myself in attempts to make us work.


After two weeks of NC, we attempted to work things out. It didn't last long because he realized he needed to be alone to "work on himself." We went NC for another month until out of the blue he begins calling me nonstop, telling me he wants to marry me and he had realized this through working on himself. We began talking again, until I found out that "working on himself" meant that he was sleeping with another girl. He insisted that she meant nothing and they weren't in a relationship or looking to be in one, and that he was dedicated to me. But his actions spoke louder than words and I realized he was still unclear of what he wanted in life, despite telling me that he wanted to marry me, so I left him for good and have been NC ever since.


It's been easier coping since the drama of him coming back since it showed that our long term relationship did mean something to him after all, even just a little bit. Now he is in a relationship with the girl he had been sleeping with since we originally split, even though he originally described her as a "whatever" girl.


The only difficult part I'm having with this was how fast it took him to move on. I'm hoping this girl suits him more and he finds happiness. But I had always felt that I was the one over this relationship and now it seems that I'm going through the process of grief over the relationship ending, when he jumped right off into something else immediately. Any suggestions on how to deal with feeling replaced after a long-term relationship?

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