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My friend constantly prolongs his healing


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A friend of mine always complains about his ex wife- they have a kid together. He shares a mutual friend and constantly let's them feed information about the ex wife's personal life. Yet he complains about it and does nothing about it! No wonder why he can't move on. It's getting to he point where I'm not sure if I want to be friends anymore. He Just continues this insanity.

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A friend of mine always complains about his ex wife- they have a kid together. He shares a mutual friend and constantly let's them feed information about the ex wife's personal life. Yet he complains about it and does nothing about it! No wonder why he can't move on. It's getting to he point where I'm not sure if I want to be friends anymore. He Just continues this insanity.


He probably isn't even aware he is doing that. I have had friends like this too. I finally said to either do something or quit complaining about it. It gets old. Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Tell your friend you don't know if you can hear this same thing anymore and it's his choice if you stay friends or not.

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