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I messed up


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I had been doing well no contact for 3 days,then he messaged last night i managed to ignore it for a good few hours, his message said ' I hope this isnt forever i miss you so much '. an i went back and talked to him...


I was first to leave after keeping the conversation light last night, then at 3am i couldnt sleep and i was lonely and went and sent him a message about how i missed him/loved him...now he's started acting like an ass again. ( He's always wanted what he cant have - hes that kind of guy )


Ive told him to ignore what i wrote but its clear he knows im still not over him and it's made him feel good about himself. Do i just go back to NC? or have i ruined it now? I was starting to feel better not talking to him alot less stressed.

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no biggie. i've broken NC before as well. we all have at one point or another. i think it's almost a rite of passage when you're going through a break up.


i remember when i broke NC back in february; when he start acting like a jerk (again), i beat myself up over it. but just as quickly i stopped. because i kind of felt like i needed to break NC and see this side of him again, to remind myself of why it was so important to stick to NC.


in fact, as soon as he started acting up again, i said to myself "why did i break NC? i was do much better off" but again - - i needed to break it in order to realize that.


so, just go back to NC and don't worry about it :D


and if he tries to contact you next time, remind yourself of what happened and how crappy it made you felt. that should be enough to keep you from responding.

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