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Should I feel jealous of people who get to be friends with their ex?


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I guess I'm emotionally messed up right now. My break up was 6 months ago and after all that time, my ex and I are finally on speaking terms. We hung out a couple times, including last night. But last night we ended up kissing and cuddling with each other, and it just brought back all kinds of memories and made me miss him a lot. His reason for breaking up is that he says he can't maintain a long term connection with someone.. he thinks there is something wrong with him. I loved my ex a great deal, and the break up absolutely devastated me for months. But then I started to get back on my feet, yet right now I feel emotionally rattled from last night. I miss him again, and I want to see him and I guess part of me has been brought back to how I felt when it ended. And another part of me just misses him in general and is upset that we can't at least be friends and see each other... and be close like we were. He isn't opposed to seeing me or anything... but I don't see how it would work. We still have feelings for each other, and I don't see us being able to keep ourselves from acting on them. I don't know.... my friend told me that she and her ex are still close and it almost makes me jealous. I was too heartbroken for months from my break up to ever be friends with my ex. Is it better that way or does it depend on the situation? Rough day...

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