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My boyfriend is online and totally ignoring me on msn messenger..... I guess he's too busy surfing porn sites. :(

I can't really say, but 95% he is.

I feel like cracking him some joke or sending him a copy of the stuff below


Signs Your Partner is Addicted to Internet Porn


- During foreplay, he's always double-clicking your G-spot.


- His new computer includes a DVD-ROM drive, a 56k modem, and a tissue dispenser.


- When she wants you to take off your pants, she says, "Scroll down."


- Tells everyone he's a pioneer in "palm computing."


- He's suing Playboy.com for repetitive stress injuries.


- Her favorite actor? Tommy Lee.


- When he sees a hot babe, he wryly says, "Boy, I'd like to click on her."


- You look deep into his eyes and see a faint image of Asia Carrera burned into his corneas.


- As you undress, he takes out his credit card and tells you his birthday.


- During sex, he shouts, "Refresh! Refresh!"


- His version of foreplay: You lie naked on the bed with a sheet covering you... he pulls it down slowly for ten minutes.




Please someone stop/prevent me from doing this!!!!! :D


Guys do I hate porn at times. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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LMFAO! Do it! Do it! ha ha ha ha ha..........


But.....be prepared for his denial and his anger and everything else that comes along with him getting caught. I remeber my worst days were when my ex s/o would take a "day off" Geez I think he worked harder on his "Stroke" than any golfer I know.


I remember how I would get home and he would still be in his pyjamas. EWWWWWWW! Man! I look back on it now and I get absolutly sick to my stomach!


How dare he. Someone should have smacked him when he was a child and told him that his behavior was wrong and inappropriate.


Get rid of him......there are a million men out there......why stay with this one?


Good Luck,



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I was a very nice girl and I did not.... ;)

He always got annoyed when I joked about his ignoring me on msn messenger because he's watching porn, and right now we are having huge relationship problems....not really the case.

But i'm saving that joke for some other time. ;)


I usually have not *big* problems with porn but I *hate* it when he's ignoring me online because he's watching it. Or when he has no more than 15 minutes a day to spend with me on the phone and hours to watch that stuff.


Sometimes he'd send me porn pics he thought I would like, which I used to appreciate. (the gesture, not the pics, actually). Right now he has stopped showing me the occasional porn pic because he feels that in this period I'd be jealous (last three times he got sarcastic remarks).

I guess he was not in the mood to talk a lot because, as he said "everything i say to you, you get upset". He thinks I've been killing the intimacy between us because I get jealous on a lot of things......


thanks for posting, Bubbles.

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How dare he. Someone should have smacked him when he was a child and told him that his behavior was wrong and inappropriate.


What, to watch porn and pleasure himself to it?


Please. :rolleyes:

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Do you know for sure he's watching pron? Seems too cliche. Guys aren't always watching porn ya know. Is he a gamer? Chat/IM convos in my experience routinely get cut off, messages ignored for awhile from everyone.

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Thanks for your post Fritz, I really appreciated it

and it was useful!


Originally posted by Fritz

Do you know for sure he's watching pron? Seems too cliche.

Guys aren't always watching porn ya know.


He watches tons. But you are right, I was not sure.

I just assumed it because 90% of the times he would ignore me on the msn messenger he'd be watching porn.

Funny thing is that when things are going okay in my relatioship and I feel loved porn is not a problem at all.


Next question I'd better ask myself is: would have I still been upset he was ignoring me if I had known for sure he was NOT watching porn? Less upset or not at all?


Is he a gamer? Chat/IM convos in my experience routinely get cut off, messages ignored for awhile from everyone.


You are really right here. It's just that this is happening quite often lately and it's a very bad period for the relationship. So what normally would not be a problem, becomes an upsetting thing.

If things were okay, I'd see him responding to my first greeting with an emoticon and then ignoring what else I wrote (like happened today) and just think "oh, he must be busy doing something else". Even if it happened for days in a row.


Now I see him ignoring me, my first thought is 'he must be busy looking at sluts on the net, they are more important than me, and he could even talk to me a bit and look at them later".


This while I'm not even 100% sure he's looking at porn.

And, even funnier, when porn would *normally* not bother me.

Very strange indeed the way human minds work.



BTW, He's online again. this time he's talking to me...he's mainly joking, but in a rather unpleasant/rude way. And I swear to god I did not nag or anything.

feel like crying.

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Guys don't really WATCH porn. At least I don't. I "use" it for like a few minutes and when I'm done, no more porn.


It ain't like a TV show.

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

Guys don't really WATCH porn. At least I don't. I "use" it for like a few minutes and when I'm done, no more porn.


It ain't like a TV show.


My bf realy watches it :)..... he collects porn pics from the internet, he has thousands. Spends at least an hour a day looking for them on the internet. How much time he spends 'using'them, I don't really know. :)

Not that I find that bad in itself, actually. Sounds more like an hobby than like a 'tool'.

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