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would surgery make drastic changes to my looks

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I'm just too ugly to make any friends (especially female friends as I'm currently in my 30s and have none)


I'm not interested in dating, I just wanted to feel like a regular guy, fit in etc


Anyone had surgery to improve their appearance?

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No one is too ugly to make friends. And true friends do not care how someone looks.


Beauty comes from within and no one will want to be your friend with the attitude you exude.

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No one is too ugly to make friends. And true friends do not care how someone looks.


Beauty comes from within and no one will want to be your friend with the attitude you exude.


Where does this attitude come from? I'm 32 and struggle to make male friends and have no female friends. Why do you people always say that? I'm sorry but we live in a world where most of society judges you solely on appearance.

Rightly or wrongly, it is human nature to base initial judgments solely on appearance, and far too many do it. Plus my ugliness is outside social norms. Will surgery help much?

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Feelin Frisky

Of course surgery could help (if it's done right and by someone who knows what they're doing). There are several things you can do. But of course, they are going to cost money because cosmetic surgery is not usually covered by insurance companies. Do you know what precisely it is that you will change?

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I have thought about it, but I'm to scared/lazy to go through with it. If I could get my nose a little straighter it could boost my confidence.


It's to scary to think about.


I'm with you though, man and feel for ya. It sucks to think about this sort of measure in order to get your life back.


Yeah absolutely disgraceful. I don't mind being judged on my appearance for a joke - heck my sis use to do that all the time, but it actually prevents you from making friends outside as most people out there just want to be around other people with looks within 'social norms'. Being born with a good natured personality gets you nowhere. What you are like on the inside counts for jack **** out there.


It's virtually impossible to make any female friends. I can make male friends but it's tough

Edited by danmorisson
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