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The meaning of nose piercings?

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Does anyone know what it means to have either the right or left side of your nose pierced? I just got mine done on Friday, the left, but I'm noticing a lot of people with the right done too. Is there any significance to which side?

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none that I'm aware of.


My wife has the right side of her nose pierced, I think it was just becuase she preferred that side over the left, though I've known woman to pierce the left as well.

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well when guys first started getting their ears pierced it was said that the right ear pierced meant that you were gay. but that was years ago....now a days it is what ever YOU like is what you have done.

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well when guys first started getting their ears pierced it was said that the right ear pierced meant that you were gay.




I thought they were all pirates!

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I don't think that the sides mean anything. I've had mine done for 15 years and not a single person has ever said anything to me about this.


But I did once have an Indian man (from India, not Native American) tell me that the color and/or the kind it is do mean something there. Whether it's silver or gold, etc. I only wish I could remember what he told me...

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In India the side(s) as well as the type of jewellery worn usually signifies the location/community that the girl belongs to. I live in a very traditional community and both my nostrils and septum are pierced.

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Personally I dont think the side matters (for some reason I prefer seeing the right on a woman), but I do have a preference for the jewlery, a really super tiny diamond..very sexy!

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