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Happy & sad all at once

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So I met this guy 8 years ago & for about 6 years we were strictly friends. We talked on the phone all the time; I would tell him about my relationship problems & he would vent to me about his girlfriend. They have been together for 17 years now. He claims that he doesn't have a relationship with her anymore, that they just live together for their 2 daughters' sakes. Which I really feel this is true because even when we would hang out with our friends, back when we were just friends, we would all discuss his & her situation from time to time. But still I told myself for years that I wouldn't get involved with him because I knew it would be complicated, even though I knew he liked me from the beginning. But then about two an half years ago we went out one night, had some drinks & one thing led to another. After that night I just couldn't seem to get enough of him, I couldn't wait to talk or see him again. I've broken it off with him several times, telling him I couldn't deal with it anymore, but he'd always beg for me to come back to him & I always do. I'm with again & still to this day get giddy when I'm with him & then sad when I'm not. I love him so much & know he loves me, but he doesn't want to leave her until his daughters are out of high school which will be in 3 years, but I just don't know how to deal with the loneliness I feel sometimes, but also don't know how to let him go completely. I'm so miserable when I'm not with him. I've even tried moving away from the town he lives in, but that didn't help either. I've never felt so much love & passion as I do for him, and I really truly believe he feels the same way about me because his whole face lights up when he sees me. Just not sure what to do.

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Hi Alli, welcome to LS (((((((((((hugs))))))))))), girl I don't know what to say. It's easy for me to give advice based on what I should have done in the past, but my life has played out the way it was meant to I believe.


I guess the best advice I could give based on experience is no matter what direction you go, get real support. Do not allow abuse, verbal or otherwise from anyone.


My prayers and thoughts are with you love...I speak much peace over you :)

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