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Coping with the lack of health insurance


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Alrighty, so it has been three mths since the break up, and we stopped talking to one another from day one. From what I heard he's still chasing the girl that he left me for, again, and I know I know, I should be moving on, but it's still hard to swallow everything (esp the fact that he's never even bothered to write to me once).


BBbbbbuuttt, I'm still feeling severely depressed, and I am constantly feeling anxious. My mind keeps racing, and I just feel like all my hope to move on from this hurt that my SO created in my life is for nothing. I know it takes time, but my situation probably doesn't help my healing. I graduated college, am moving into teaching soon, I barely have any friends and many of them are mutual friends who have "sided" with my ex, my best friend is getting married and moving far away, my mother and I opened a business and we are struggling, and I have no health care. I would love the idea to speak to a therapist, but that's not a financial option I have. I am just feeling alone, almost to the point despair.


Has anyone been in this position? Any good advice? I am trying very very hard to be strong in the face of so much loss, but I'm not sure how much more strength I have.



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I didn't have health insurance until I was about 42, after I got married. Became self-employed at 25. Lived completely alone between those times. Mom didn't help with business but was a good parent and role model.


You've got a lot of positives in your life but you've apparently pinned self-worth on a few nebulous aspects completely outside of your control. I recall a period of doing that around 25-27 or so. Fortunately I did have some loyal friends for balance.


We each have our path to walk. At my age now, even if it cuts into my grocery budget, I write that 300/mo check to Anthem for health insurance because I'm watching friends get cancer and know how much I processed for my mom's death and how important health insurance is.


Regarding therapy, though I found it quite worthwhile, it was expensive and insurance only reduced that cost, not eliminated it. How bad do you want therapy? For me, it was worth the 100 bucks an hour. A helluva lot cheaper than my lawyer.


In a generation, you'll look back upon this time as important life lessons learned. Right now, it probably sucks. Life is like that sometimes. It'll work out.

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Some of the larger churches offer free Christian counselling.


Yes, it's Christian-based, and you may be iffy on that, but the counselling methods employed by my counselor were solid, at least.

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Great suggestion. Also, OP, the Uni you graduated from could very well offer counseling services not only for active students, but for others more generally, including alumni, as a training tool for their psych students. Doesn't hurt to inquire. It might be low cost or complimentary.

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I don't currently have health insurance but do go to therapy. I have weekly meetings with my church counselor which is free. Once a quarter I attend therapy with my therapist which costs 124 a session. I might quit going to her since she also did our couple therapy and my ex still goes to her.


I know my city has free-reduced therapy outside of churches. You just have to decide it's important and find it. Also, if they suggest medication, tell them you do not have insurance. I pay 4.00 for my anxiety medication.


I suffer from major anxiety too and it's a beast. I'm also a teacher and the first year of teaching is very stressful. Try to learn to deal now before you start teaching.


Strangely, my anxiety is way down after my break up. I think his lying, manipulation and constant hedging contributed to my stress.

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