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panick attack


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i heard a girl talking about the ex today and she is my friend and she did that in front of my face. and i felt like she was rubbing it in my face. like, oh i am friend with him now. i mean she told me before that i was not nice to the ex. and you know, i always know that she doesnt like me.


i am really not feeling well, my heart races. my stomach is okay though. i am not that sad i just have this feeling that he is like right next to me because he got all the friends and i just got hurt and scared of him.

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Reading through a lot of your recent posts, it seems like you are more concerned about what other people are saying or thinking about you, rather than your OWN emotions about the break up.


If all of these people are just having a poisonous effect on your life, they are not really your friends anyway. Cut them all off! You don't need them!!


There are people EVERYWHERE!! Look around...what do you see? PEOPLE!!! So many more people for you to make friendships and relationships with....


Stop placing so much value on what some group may or may not be thinking about you.....I'm sure there are dozens of terrific guys that would treat you so much better than the ex. Give them a chance! Give NEW people a chance!! It's not that difficult!!




Oh and PS....if you always knew that girl didn't like you, and was rubbing your face in something....then she IS NOT and NEVER was your friend in the first place!! Tell her to $%^ off and spend time with ACTUAL friends!!!

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i do care a lot about what people think about me. looking back i saw myself quite easy going and had a lot of friends in the beginning, and now i dont. thats why.


thank you for saying that again to me though. I am feeling a whole lot better this morning when I got up :)

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I can only tell you what I do when I think about my ex with her new bf.


I turn off anything that makes distracting noise (TV, music, etc...) and I breath in really deep. Then I very slowly breath out, wait a second, and do it again. I keep doing it til my body feels normal again.

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