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how does one deal with knowing that the ex didn't even love them?


because i fell for my ex right before she was about to leave this country and me to travel the world for half a year, and have the best time of her life. without me. i told her my feelings for her (i had fallen for her) and she told me that she "really liked me" ...


I miss her and feel horrible that she felt it was best to leave us behind. she gave her reasons and they sounded genuine but since that break up she hasn't looked back. and i do sit here and wonder if i will hear from her ever again. etc.


its hard for me to come to terms with it all. but its the reality and this is where i am.


i txtd her the day before she left to travel and got a reply. i then txt'd her on her birthday which was this week, but didnt hear back.


she has not been on face book for around 2 weeks or more. keep getting an urge to talk to her. but whats the use.



i hate that we are becoming or have become strangers and there is nothing i can do other than to txt her again and try and get a response.

Edited by Dblock10
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Texting her again and again isn't going to change anything.


That's like a heroin addict chasing the dragon....the high is never good enough and you always need more the next time.


How do you deal with it? That's what we're all here doing...trying to deal with the fact that the people we loved stopped loving us back.


You don't just FIX that feeling....you COPE with it...one day at a time until it eventually heals.


You're still not healing....you're not coping....you still think she's gonna fix everything. She's not. Nothing is ever gonna get better til you let her go forever. Delete her off your FB. Erase her phone number and email.


She's gone man. Let her go.

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Listen to fallenheart, he gives good replies on your topics.


Currently, I think, there is no combination and sequence of words that would make her love you. You could say the ultimate three magic words- "I LOVE YOU", guess what, it would not work. You could say to her that she is a "bi*ch", you could, but it will not work, she still would not love you.


Also flowers and gifts wouldnt help, in fact they would make things worse, cause "presents arent contracts", read this link somebody posted: http://evolutionmale.wordpress.com/tag/covert-contracts/ . It honestly gave me intense raging feeling. Ive given flowers 2 times to girls, and I figured by now they scare the girls away (hidden contract hope).


So, no words, and no gifts can help, and the worst of it all, this will stay so for some 10 years. Maybe muscled body would help, never harms to try, cause in end it would be win/win situation anyway.

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i dont think she is going to fix it. i cant even see her making contact even when back. i think she will but just not for a long time.


anyway, i feel i am coping with it. i just like to over think everything and thus came to that conclusion that i dont like the feeling of it becoming a distant memory. even though it pretty much is that way already. its very strange.


you are probably right though it may never get totally better until i del etc from my life.


however i have had previous exs that i got over and still left on my fb. only difference there in those cases were that i totally didnt want to go back and so it never bothered me. but as this time is different i feel i cannot totally let go until absolutely forced to do so, wether because i meet someone that sweeps me off my feet or wether she comes back and is seeing someone else or doesnt ever talk to me again.


i know she will or has moved on rapidly because she was seeing her ex on and off for 3 years she claims, and yet she got into a relationship with me 6 months after that had finished.


was she totally over him? i dont think so. but she obviously used me as a platform to help her do so.

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