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Interenet Relationship

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Hello this is my first post. I had never communicated with anyone on the internet before. The first time I did I met this wonderful man. He is from the city in which I was born. We have found that we have much in common. For 5 months we have spent hours communicating on the phone or online. Last month I met him for the first time. I couldn't tell if he was attracted or not. He is quite small in stature. Though I am not large I am his same height and probably weigh the same. He has mentioned before that he is usually only attracted to petite women. He also said that it was important to him to start out as friends. He had been married to a gorgeous woman who left him for another man. This was 5 years ago but he still talks about her.


After our first date we went to his house. We danced but he didn't kiss me until I was leaving. The next evening we had a great time but again no touching and a longer kiss as I got into the car. The third night I got a bit assertive. I rubbed his feet and kissed his neck. He didn't return the touching but wasn't complaining either. He walked me out to the car and started again kissing. I stopped him and said that I felt as though he was trying to hard. That either he was attracted to me or he wasn't. He said that I did turn him on. We are incredibly compatible and have a great time together. He admits that as well. The last night I saw him was a repeat. I asked if he thought that there was any potential and he said definitetly. Then I flew home.


Since then we are back to the same pattern of communicating. I told him that I needed some clarity about our relationship. That if he wanted to be friends that was alright but he would have to leave me be for awhile, but he keeps calling. You see I am very crazy about this man. He said that I would have to be patient with him and that we would have THAT talk someday soon. He also said that he is not good at all about talking about his feelings. I am going back for a job interview in his city in two weeks. I will probably move there, not just for him though.


I am in such a quandry. Is he interested in me or not? He keeps calling and writing. We talk for hours. I don't want to invest much more time or emotion in this relationship if it is not going where I wanted. I would appreciate some advice. Thanks.

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He is being very wise in not committing yet. You two have spent a lot of talk time together, but unfortunately that's not the same as 3D time. If you are moving to his city anyway, that will give you a chance to spend time with him and get to know him that way; IMHO it would be foolish to break it off with him until you've at least tried that, particularly since the interview is soon.

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