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What do you want from me? :(


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Guys, I need your advice! I'm day 13 NC, basically he dumped me by text almost a month ago now he dumped me by text with no clear reason why, 2 weeks later he had sex with another girl and I told him to never speak to me again..he blocked me on Facebook up until a week ago, he messaged me telling me he was sorry for what he did and how he treate me and then said don't worry I won't contact you again do I left it at that, he then messaged me on Wednesday asking if I'd added him on Skype when I hadn't so I just replied bluntly with 'I didn't.' just now he has messaged me again regarding the rugby match because I'm a Wales supporter and just said 'I thought you'd added me on Skype to gloat' I'm so confused! Do I reply? And what the hell does he want from me? He dumped me why is he still contacting me?! Please advise me on this!!!

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lovesickpuppy, he sounds like a total mess, and someone who is playing a really awful game with you.


I know it hurts like hell, but if you can at all do it, keep this person out of your life.



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Mike you're right :( I don't know what to do, I'll be totally fine and then bam he contacts me! Do you think he wants a reconciliation or is just playing a sick game to keep me on the back burner? :(

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Some people only realise what they've got once they've lost it. He threw away everything it was between you and therefore doesn't deserve your attention. You really should ignore his contact but if it continues, politely (always stay civil, never show emotion) remind him what happened and ask him to leave you alone.


Now with that said, there's always a second chance, but that depends on you and what you want. If you do want him back, then you have to make sure he climbs whatever mountains you put in his way to win your trust back. You should never just take someone back as that says to them it's okay to carry on as you are.


Stay NC and just see how far he's willing to go to get your attention, but in the meantime, decide what you want.

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lovesickpuppy, what really concerns me is he slept with someone else. And also, yes, he could be playing games with you. But the sex thing is important, because who knows how he did it, safe, or maybe not. You have your own health to be concerned about.


Time heals all wounds, the old cliche. But if you are strong enough, it might be best to let him go, block all his access points to you and try your very best to move on and get well again. I know it's super hard to do when feeling weak and beaten down. But it is doable.


Keep posting and be well as best you can :)



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Thank you both for this advice, I feel sick!!! I'm so just shocked and shaken by his contact! I replied with a civil response just saying that I wasn't interested in te match. It's all just clicked in my head now though, he knows I was annoyed about the rugby match because he's been stalking me on twitter!! Why?! I don't know what I don't know how to feel. I am sick thinking about this girl he had sex with but I know he did it because hes influenced by his friends. Why is he stalking my twitter? God...

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He may have regrets and be testing the water. Either way, don't concern yourself with what he's doing or why, just consider what you want and make it clear to him. You want him to leave you alone? Then tell him.

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Why is he stalking my twitter? God...



Can you kill the twitter account? The reason I ask, if the twitter account is causing stress, and you don't need it for work, or to make money, or for other good purposes, then maybe delete it for now?


Just some thoughts.



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I read this statement on baggage reclaim and I think it's very true to your situation: “The Buddhists have this one dead on: If you want a situation to reveal itself, do nothing. It will take every ounce of discipline you have. But in the end, regardless of the ensuing pain, it will invariably lead to a time of great awakening."


I'm not good at giving up control and doing nothing. I'm going to try, though.

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