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She's the one. Big (lesbian) ISSUE!

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I met this girl two weeks ago... and when i did, it was like the world stopped freaking spinning. I get this LURCH every time i see her... I get this achey feeling whether i see her or not. :love:


I'm a girl too... just so you know... I'm gay. But yeah, i'm really, really shy and nervous- but i swear, when i met her, i knew i couldn't just let her pass me by just cause i'm a nervous, sweaty, awkward freak, right? :laugh: So i forced myself to walk for steadily, breathe more often, and talk to her. Obviously i haven't been the SMOOTHEST person in the world... but at least i'm trying reaallllllyyy hard. I sit with her at lunch when i can... I try to say hi in the halls, I manage to strike up a conversation once or twice.... I smile at her a LOT. Most recently, i painstakingly asked her if i could draw her (I'm an art student), and she agreed.


She says she's 90% gay. But last week, she started to date this guy. And I don't really know what to think... half of me says that she can't really be that into him if she's pretty much gay. I think that if i reveal my feelings, maybe she won't feel like she wants to be with him... The other half of me wonders if she could actually be into him. :(


It's been only two weeks of knowing her, and i only see her about every 2-3 days, and pretty briefly. I really do look at her and feel like i'm looking at The One. What on earth should i do? Reveal my feelings? Wait? What do you think of this guy she's with? PLEASE TELL ME MY NEXT MOVE? Ask her out? Flirt better/more? Grow more balls?


Just for some background info: I am 17 and this is a high school situation.


Thank you for reading, hope you'll help this miserable sop. Any words of advice gravely appreciated.

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She's with someone else. Let your crush die a natural death. Otherwise, if you still feel the same when she's single and recovered from the breakup, ask her out.

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