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Cheating for a year and it's KILLING me

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So, quickly browsing through this thread the issues are:


A. You love your BF of 5 years, but he is a loser.


B. You really like that Guy B is a responsible, good guy with honorable intentions. However, you don't love him.


C. You are too afraid to break up with both of them and be alone.


Have I missed anything?



LOL Gawd you're so good.

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I need help figuring this out. I HATE what I have become and I feel like I don't have anyone to tun to. I have been cheating on two guys for about a year now and it controls my life! I'm not the same person, I'm not happy, I'm thinking all the time! I don't want to go out with my friends, I don't enjoy the same thing I use to because I feel like I'm not myself and I'm slowly starting to hate myself.


I need to stop, but I honestly do not know what to do, since one of them is someone I've been with on and off for 5 years and I love him, but there are some factors that make me think twice to give him my all again, and the second guy is someone really special, but I can't figure out if he's the one.


I know the best option is to break up with both of them, but I can't bring myself to do it.


I just wish one day the answer will come to me, but it never does, and this has gone on for far too long! Any advice??


P.S- if anyone is dangerously close to cheating, don't do it! it will only change you into a person you do not want to become! :(


you want to stop, then you basically need a good smack in the face....not physcially mind you, but a wake up call.


so if you really want to stop, you'll tell these guys and face the consequences. and if you face the consequences, then you'll see that you don't want to face them again.


no consequences = no learning


so if you don't want to tell both of them, then you aren't serious about stopping.

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i do love him, i just wish he would be more attentive like the other guy is to me. .


don't even start with the "I love him even though I'm getting pounded by another man"


and of course this other guy is attentive to you, you are new to him, and he to you. things calm down a bit in a relationship. if you can't handle that then you don't need to be in one.

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I cannot believe you are seriously debating this. I was in a long term relationship and found out my ex was cheating for a YEAR with someone else. Let me tell you that to do that to people is despicable, selfish, thoughtless, and cruel. Have some respect for yourself and others. You obviously have issues and the only way to work on them is to tell the truth and spend some time working on you, or sitting on a therapist's couch.

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I think you are keeping them both because between them you get to be with no1 whilst having no2 to temper his faults.

Neither is what you want .

So I have to agree you should ditch them both, start over being discerning and only going with someone who ticks all your boxes.

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