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Problems with a first REAL love........ mind reading needed

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Hello, Im very distraught, and can use any advice........


I really like this girl alot, I can't live without her. Ive known her for awhile, but ive only been talking to her for awhile, a week ive had her number. I called her every day last week, talked to her for hours, got to know so much about her. I dont want to jump the gun and say anything to ruin this. Ive talked to her about "getting together", but its weird..... She dosent trust anybody, nor herself, and last weekend, some major things happend to her, hence why i started to talk to her. she told me all her problems, and i killed myself solving them. She still dosent trust me thought. Just yesterday, I had her over, and she HAD to bring her friend, a sniveling little tody Id like to see gone, but she felt comfortable with HIM there, so I digressed and gave in. She was quiet and subdude, but she sat there with him the whole time, gave me LOOKS, YOU know what girls do. We are 17 and i am very confused. I cant help but love her, i know so much about her now and cant live without her. I stopped calling her so often because i want to give her space, and not be up her but so often, but i just want to talk...... she dosent like the phone, and i only see her for an hour and a half a day. Next time we get together, me and her are going to be alone, hopefully........... What can i do to reasure her i wont hurt her, make her feel comfortable, and still say what I want without messing it up? she is confused, and likes to make games sometimes, she is very smart and considers me to smart for my own good. I talk and solve everyones problems, but im so confused....... it hurts.............. she and i are perfect, but im not a mind reader, and i dont want to push the issue........ WHAT CAN I DO?!?!? how can i get trust, not mess up, get her to get comfortable and not lose her, time is just a few months........ But ill come back for her, it sucks.......... please help.......... she has problems......... i want to help so bad. this is a question.

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Anonymous 15

I hate to burst your bubble my friend but she sounds like she's got a lot of issues that may take a long time to solve or may never be solved. She isn't comfortable being with you in person and she isn't comfortable being on the phone with you. Doesn't that pretty much mean she isn't comfortable with you at all?


You say you guys are perfect for each other but what are you basing this one? Obviously, the way you two interact isn't adequate or else you wouldn't be on here. Bottom line: she's going to have to deal with her trust issues on her own. There's actually very little you can do to help besides not pressuring her. Personally, I'd say go find a girl that doesn't have issues and can actually give something back to you instead of mistrust and frustration but I know you won't listen. Good luck to you.

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average guy
Originally posted by The Lion

I can't live without her. Ive known her for awhile, but ive only been talking to her for awhile


You don't know if you can't live without someone until you've actually lived with them!


Calm down, relax, take a deep breath...


This is first love/infatuation/excitment/the meaning of life and everything else...which is all fine, but relax, slow down...


If it is really true love, it will still be next week, and the week after, and the next...


Give her a little space but keep letting her know you are interested and there for her. As you really get to know her more, you may be able to understand her better (no guarentees there :) and be able to develop a long-term relationship with her


Good luck :)

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Thanks to the two that helped me out. I just talked to her, and friendship is the answer. Screw being something im not, its not me said she, but things. Its all good- NOTE TO SELF: Find girl that likes me.



College is coming soon, so im not to broken up, thanks.

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