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Had a weird dream about ex

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Its a new day, a fresh start of the week. I was coping very well till now. Thought I was getting over my ex. Then came this dream:


"She got married to another guy & got a daughter now. Not sure about happened between them but she came back to her old lover (me). We talked, hugged each other & started crying thinking all these shouldn't have happen in the 1st place ......"


I woke up in agony & pain in my heart. It took me few minutes to make my heart calm down & to tell everything is ok. Damn, It's Monday morning, a fresh week & I need to concentrate on my work but this dream comes shattering my other dreams. What the hell.........

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Sometimes dreams can be unsettling like that. It's probably a good indication that your emotions are still all over the place even if you're still functioning well every day. Give it time though, It really will get better.

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I've been dreaming all sorts of weirdness about my ex post-breakup. It sucks. It's like your mind is trying to sabotage you when you're not paying attention. And waking up to remember the dream makes me feel like an idiot. So yeah, know where you're coming from.

I do honestly believe it's a matter of time though. Hopefully we'll get back to nicer dreams soon.

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I also had EX dreams for the longest time, horrible dreams about infidelity. Got to the point where I hated to go to bed and I would wake up sick and unable to move. Xanax helped me at that time. But it did, FINALLY, go away on its own.



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I had dreams that my ex didn't love me , months leading up to the breakup . He just laughed them off , and afterwards I still have dreams and they can leave me so drained . I had a dream about a new love though , was really warm and happy . Stupid dreams ! I read there are certain cheeses to eat before bed that give you dreams about famous people . Hello Ryan gosling ;)

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