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Almost 7 months since my break up (2 and half years), I never solicited info from anyone about what my ex has been up to and this has been HUGE for my healing. The only thing that I have been told is the ex claims to be single but isn't admitting that she has gotten back with her ex. I don't know what to think of that, I am not even sure how that makes me feel!!! Sad, because I know I was everything she ever wanted but she feared I was going to run for the hills but on the other hand, somewhat happy, I am ashamed to admit this, her ex is kind of a bum!!


I wanted to reach out and let you know what has helped me


First of all, I hit the gym, I am down almost 30 pounds and I am pretty close to having abs for the first time in my life, this made a huge difference, stick with it.


Secondly, I thought I would never do this, I went to therapy, this is something I never thought I would do and I really got to the bottom of my issues. Guys/gals, its pretty cool, its like talking to a friend once a month that doesn't get tired of your relationship BS, lets be honest, after about two weeks, your friends don't want to hear you rehash things.


Lastly, do not jump right back into a relationship, just start dating, I utilized the online dating, its something I never thought I would do, its giving me the opportunity to figure out what type of person I want to be with again. If you would have asked me 6 months ago about therapy, I would have laughed, Do it!!! it helps A LOT


One last thing, don't pay attention to what they are doing, don't stalk on facebook, block them!! I did this the day we broke up. Our circles run pretty close and I never asked about the ex.


The only thing that hasn't happened, we have yet to bump into each other. I honestly think I will be fine as long as I keep dating and keep putting myself out there.

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good job! you really focused on urself which is what people (including me) should strive for.


i actually started a profile on a dating website, but to tell you the truth, the people in my area i just have noooooooo interest in. i won't just date anyone. its hard to meet people when i was gone away for school for 4 yrs and back in my hometown where all my friends are married w/ kids don't socialize that much anymore.


i do work out, but want to lose 10 lbs by January...if i can hit my goal weight, i know i'd feel better.


i want to go to therapy, but no longer on school's insurance. i'm too young and (knock on wood) dont' have any health issues, so i'm only insured for emergencies. but i soooooooo want therapy, badly! but LS in my therapy. I just vent on here.


i deactivated my FB, if i ever want to go back, I plan on starting a brand new profile.........know to much mutual people (who arent necc my bffs)...but as of now, i'm gonna try to focus on me...and don't want to know what s going on with everyone and their mommas.


i hope to get to your point asap. i wish i had more fishies in the sea to choose from in my town, but its small...and i'm picky.

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