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How do u stop caring if ur ex has someone else if u're pregnant 4 him?

I try not calling him but I have to cuz we have an older child plus the baby on the way and when I do call him, he acts differently when he's around her and then I get upset.


I don't know how to handle this...

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i am sorry for the situation that ur in,

i appreciate that you have a older child and therfore ther will be some communication, but it should be on your terms and although it is a upsetting experience u must put ur own welbeing and ur unborn baby first.

so if u must contact help wod a text be less upsetting???

but of course in a emergency thing call,

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How do u stop caring if ur ex has someone else if u're pregnant 4 him?

I try not calling him but I have to cuz we have an older child plus the baby on the way and when I do call him, he acts differently when he's around her and then I get upset.


I don't know how to handle this...

It must be so difficult for you. Try to think of yourself first- you deserve the best right now, especially being pregnant. If he doesn't do that for you, then maybe yu need to think about letting him go.

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How do u stop caring
I don't know if I can type this where it sounds right, but I'm going to try...we never stop caring, to do that we'd be sociopaths or something...we must learn to get to the stage where we care about ourselves more; where waking in the morning feeling down because of what someone else did or didn't do ruins our day/life...we must learn to get to the stage where no one has the power to steal our joy, to destroy our self esteem, we must care enough about who we are and what we want and being true to that...I know it's all easier said than done, but the greatest thing you can ever do for yourself and for your children is to love yourself enough to not be an "option" to someone else...You are a Mom; WOW, an awesome blessing and wonderful gift; nothing in the world you wouldn't do to keep hurt from coming to one of your babies...give that same love to yourself~you deserve to be happy, you deserve good things and good people in your life!! Everyday is a new day and a new opportunity as painful as it is as hard as it will be, love enough to let go; love yourself enough to heal and in time the right person (it may be him or someone else) will come into your life!
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