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a realaity check BIG TIME


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im back again, just to recap me and my ex were together for 10 years, we broke up last year for 5/6 months, i came on here to help myself and i did. i took time for me went LC( we have kids).

then he persuaded me to give him "one more chance" ( he had a fling), anyway i still loved him so i did.

fast forward 8 months and here we ****ing go again.

only this time i learned from the first break up, i didnt cry,scream,beg, i done nothing because i already knew that it should of stayed finished the first time.

so y when i heard today that 3 days after we finished that he MOVED in with another woman and her kid, do i feel abit sad ?

i have not contacted him and he has not contacted me even to see bout the kids, i no that he must of been seeing her behind my back,

i havent cried or anything yet is this normal?

i definately dont want the lyin cheating thiefing cunt back so y cant i feel relieved that hes gone???

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You will feel relieved after a while. For me it took about 3 years to finally say, "Hooray! She's gone!" and mean it :)


Hopefully it won't take you that long. But that day is a-coming :)



Edited by mike111
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Because you were together for 10 years, and have children together. Of course you will feel sad, even though he's an ass. He was a big part of your life for a long time, you made babies with him, and at some point, you had fallen in love with him way back when. It takes a while to say goodbye to part of your life.


But you will. It just takes time. :)

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I guess you are a bit numb, especially as you had been through it all before with him. I have been in a similar situation to you and the one thing I learnt was to trust my instincts.

You are so much better than him. Stay strong xx

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